Hi, I think I’m finally done with Reddit. I haven’t log in for many days, and the 2 minutes I’ve spent on the web site I just thought “Eh, this site really sucks, everything is slow, isn’t loading on my slow connecting, and is an overall pain”.

If you know who am I you know I have no shortage of Throwaway accounts if I need to check something, but I wanted to delete my main account, the one with over 200K karma and still 45 coins (I didn’t pay for them, someone gave me gold a while ago).

I don’t wanna spend an eternity manually removing everything, so I wonder if there is a tool that does it for me quickly, before I delete the account.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Power Delete Suite can alter or delete your previous comments and posts and after that you can remove your account

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      It can do both in one run, as well as making a backup. However, only about half of my Reddit comments got archived in the CSV (also, you can only download it after the script finishes so I always make sure I can leave it running for several hours, which it needs because of rate limits and hope it doesn’t crash – it never did, though).

  • Ann Onymous
    21 year ago

    I used https://github.com/ksurl/Shreddit

    Here’s a quick bash script in case you have multiple accounts and want to run the delete on a schedule. Run it under a dedicated service account or modify the script to use venv or pipenv.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -euo pipefail
    cd ~ || exit $?
    [[ "$PATH" =~ (^|:)'~/.local/bin'(:|$) ]] || export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"
    command -v shreddit > /dev/null || python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip Shreddit@git+https://github.com/ksurl/Shreddit.git
    while read -r acct; do
      echo shreddit -u "$acct"
      shreddit -u "$acct"
    done < <( sed -E '/^\[/!d; s/\[|\]//g' praw.ini )