How about a lactic acid in a grey on ice - a grey urine culture boric acid tube that is! Took me a second to even grasp what had happened, “why is that a solid clot?”

  • @cnutM
    22 years ago

    So I’m a relatively new tech. I’ve been finished school and working for <1 year, and really haven’t seen anything collected too horribly (so far). As far as poor collections go, the worst I’ve seen has been some leaky blood gasses, or a loose cap on a urine cup.

    But, our lab did receive a venous blood gas that was drawn from a penis fairly recently (a penis blood gas, ha!) I happened to be coming in for an evening shift when my colleague was calling to ask the charge nurse about the crazy results (person had an erection for way past 4 hours) and I heard her go, “Hi, I’m calling about a blood gas we received for [patient] … wha … OH!”

  • @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    You know how GC swabs are color coded, pink for female (swab is quite large) and blue for male (swab is very small)… I received a pink swab on a male patient from the ER >.<

    • @CylonBunnyOP
      22 years ago

      Ow! As a male person this makes me shudder!