The Three Body Problem trailer for the new Netflix adaptation is out. I must say I am very skeptical of this one. This being one of my favorite books I have my doubts that they will do it justice. I’m sure it will be visually interesting and everything, but that’s not really the point. Especially not for book 1.

I recently watched both the Tencent live adaptation as well as the animated adaptation of The Dark Forest and sometimes I feel like these books were better left on paper. The live show wasn’t bad or anything it just has a different feel to it on screen that’s hard to understand.

Warning: please refrain from posting book spoilers in this thread. General discussion is fine.

    • OverfedRaccoon 🦝
      1 year ago

      I guess the possible saving grace here would be that the books are finished. They did a good job adapting what was already there for GOT - that’s to say, made very entertaining and engaging TV.

      • Overzeetop
        41 year ago

        After what Netflix did with the Witcher series I’m skeptical. The Witcher was a good, if not great, series of books and short stories, but nowhere near as rich as the GoT material. I found 3BP a middling/good sci-fi story, but to western-ify character development I think they’re going to have to spice it up - and that can only end in tears.

      • exscape
        21 year ago

        I’m also quite worried for this, but surely saying they did “pretty well” is a massive understatement. The good seasons are some of the best TV I’ve seen, and since the show even now is #13 on IMDb, I think it’s fair to say they did an incredible job with the show when they had the source material to guide them.

  • @StirTheSea
    91 year ago

    I, like a few other people apparently, liked the ideas in the book but was really turned off by the clunky dialogue. Not sure if it was a translation thing, a culture thing or a stylistic choice.

    As a result I’ll probably check it out because I didn’t love the book so much I’d be worried they’ll commit sacrilege with the TV show :)

  • @sanae
    71 year ago

    it’ll be a spectacle, one way or another lol

    0 confidence they’ll do it justice

    • @Donjuanme
      31 year ago

      I’m willing to be surprised by something good. But I’m not holding my breath.

  • @Geek_King
    61 year ago

    I listened to the first two books in the series on audio. The first book was very interesting and it kept me hooked. The second book was… different feeling, it just didn’t feel as good as the first book. The 3rd book, Death’s End, man, it was such a slog even in audio book format that I stopped listening to it a little past half way through in favor of another book.

    Like was mention, I wonder if it’s an issue with something being lost in translation, but the first book was so good that doesn’t seem to be an accurate explanation.

    • @Donjuanme
      41 year ago

      Sounds like the enders game series. I wonder why so many things fall off at number 3, and why we can’t be sated with one good story.

      • @Geek_King
        31 year ago

        I loved the first Ender’s Game, and then I read the follow up book from Bean’s perspective. But outside of those, I didn’t even attempt all the sequels.

        • @Donjuanme
          31 year ago

          Enders shadow (the bean story) is the only one worth a minute of your time. Speaker of the dead had some interesting ideas regarding star travel, but quickly became overly simplified.

          That simplification was expanded on (by making more parts of nature simpler and simpler) in the hive queen and the hegemon, and then made incredibly spiritual in xenophobia (might have that name wrong, never finished the book).

          As contrarian as forums on the internet are, I’ve yet to see anyone argue the enders game series is worth finishing.

          • @Geek_King
            21 year ago

            I feel we can also add the Dune series to the same list. I think the first book is the strongest, I couldn’t get into the 2nd, but I’m told the first 3 were good then it goes rapidly downhill from there.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              The Dune series actually picked up again down the line. Chapterhouse and Heretics really made sense of the whole arc, but I’m not sure I would have slogged through the middle books if I hadn’t been such an avid reader looking for new content as it came out.

    • SoLongThx4TheFish
      21 year ago

      The third book was so bad. I loved the first and actually enjoyed the second (it was the first time i heard about “the dark forest” theory), but the third just annoyed me.

      From the moment the MC failed her task because of her motherly instincts or some bs like that to the last 100+ pages that were just the author masturbating over his ideas of how ultra high-tech-civilizations could develop, there was nothing that made sense or was really compelling about it.

      You missed nothing stopping midway through book 3.

      • @Geek_King
        11 year ago

        Good to know I’m not missing anything, I think where I was it was wrapping up those “fairy tales” being told. Some of the conclusions characters draw when presented with information in those stories is insane.

    • @tamtt
      11 year ago

      I read Three Body recently and while I can see how it has two sequels I didn’t feel the drive to read them.

      The mystery has been solved, it must transition to a different style of book to continue. It’s the same thing that stranger things did - once they showed the monster and explained where it came from it went from a monster horror to an action thriller. You can only lift the lid on the mystery once.

      • @Geek_King
        21 year ago

        That’s a good point, the first book was so compelling due to that mystery. Some new mysterious do pop up in the books as they progress, but none are as compelling as that first mystery. I also feel the books context got more and more ridiculously and weird as they went along, so by the time we’re in book 3, it’s very difficult to get into for me.

        I don’t quit books in audio format too frequently, so it isn’t a habit of mine. I’ll probably check out the Netflix series though, expecting nothing good. What a weird Sci-Fi book to try and turn into a live action show for western audiences!

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Yeah, the author is really good at coming up with fun ideas but also comes up with a lot of meh ideas that he is equally enamored with, and as the series progressed the editors seem to have grown increasingly ineffective at cutting out the meh ideas which made large swaths of the books a bit of a slog. When I read the third book I skimmed through a lot of the slog so I’d forgotten how much of it there was, but when I tried listening to the audiobook I had to give up because there was so much slog and it a lot harder to skim through in that format.

      If I had to speculate on the reason for this, I’d say it was because the author and/or the series became so popular that the editors were to afraid to really push back in the later books; I’ve gotten the impression that this is actually a pretty common phenomenon in the publishing world.

      • @Geek_King
        11 year ago

        That gives a lot more perspective hearing how you found the 3rd book to be in print vs audio formats. Normally audio books will push me past points I lose focus on in print. My prime example is The Dark Tower series, I tried to start the first book 2 times in print, and petered out ASAP, but the audio book can push me past those boring points. The issue with the 3rd book in The Three Body Problem is, it’s all a slog. At some points it stops even feeling like a real narrative and moves into just droning on about details on things.

        I’ve been having increasing issues with audio books with my mind wandering in a way it never did before, but holy shit Death’s End was 95% mind wandering for me. Since you mention it, I think you’re right, comparing book 1 vs book 2 feels like what ever filter kept the author on the straight and narrow to focus down his story is no longer present. This let him just fly with ideas that just don’t really work to construct a compelling cohesive story.

        If I knew the 4th and 5th books were amazing, I would probably finish Death’s End, but at this point I don’t know that I will.

  • infectoid
    51 year ago

    Anyone watched to Chinese version?

    I’ve started to and it seems good so far.

  • @Higlerfay
    51 year ago

    I am not at all confident that anyone, least of all these two chuckleheads, are capable of adapting this series faithfully. IMO this is a story best kept to the page, at least for now.

    I’m expecting original Dune (1984) levels bad.

    • @ki77erb
      61 year ago

      I love Dune! Both the 1984 version and the new one.

      • @Higlerfay
        31 year ago

        I personally couldn’t get past the camp, but I will give you this - it’s a real vibe.

    • Spunky Monkey
      51 year ago

      Well what they adapted from the books was good, the problem came when there was no more books.

      But I agree, not a lot of confidence. Worst that can happen, I’ll be surprised for the best.

      • RupeThereItIs
        21 year ago

        Well, GOT was a Western novel being adapted for TV to suit a Western audience. I fear what they will do with 3BP, given it’s very Chinese centric mindset. Even the English translation of the novel had to move a few chapters around to make sense to us.

      • @Higlerfay
        11 year ago

        That’s totally fair! I just still feel so burned on the ending of GoT lol and The Remembrance of Earth’s Past is my favorite Sci Fi series so I died a little when I heard they were adapting it.

    • Bleeping Lobster
      21 year ago

      Yeah, I was excited for this until I saw who was making it! I’m going to give it a shot, but like you I’m not confident it will work as a TV show. Maybe if they did book 1 + book 2 as the first season.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I’m willing to be surprised by something good, even if it’s not faithful to the books.

      Books vs television are such different media, and the high production costs of science fiction seem to drive towards adaptation for a mass audience.

      • @Higlerfay
        11 year ago

        100%, and I am not precious about faithfulness if the changes made improve the end product. I think this series is so weird though I actually have trouble imagining what adaptations will be made to suit the television format!

    • FaceDeer
      11 year ago

      I’m of two minds. I don’t trust these two to do a good adaptation, but on the other hand I don’t like the books anyway. So maybe that’ll cancel out and something good will result?

      • @Higlerfay
        21 year ago

        I know the series is not everyone’s cup of tea for totally legitimate reasons - there are definitely a few easy wins but I just think the producers will double down on the worst parts of the book and will screw up the best parts. We shall see!

  • @Donjuanme
    41 year ago

    I’ve found Netflix is that worst company at revealing too much plot/the twist in their trailers. I’m incredibly happy that they’re making this, but I’ll wait to actually watch it rather than watching their trailer.

    • @fedev
      21 year ago

      Netflix disappoints me so frequently! Now before watching a show I have to wait for 2 seasons to see if it gets cancelled. Then only watch.

  • @CountZero
    31 year ago

    Anyone who hasn’t read the book want to give their thoughts on this trailer? I mean, what the hell do you think it could possibly be about? The weird sci-fi and fantasy images make sense to me because I read the books, but I’m curious what anyone would think without any background knowledge.

    • @paholg
      31 year ago

      Uh, aliens and space magic maybe?

      • IzzyOP
        21 year ago

        The fact that aliens and space magic already come to mind kind of ruins it in my opinion. The book follows the timeline that it does for a reason.

    • @ki77erb
      11 year ago

      I’ve been excited for this because of my love for Sci-fi. I did not read the books but I did read the synopsis on Wikipedia so I know the premise. That being said, had I not done that, I would have no idea what this is about based on the trailer. I love the visuals though!

  • @Reygle
    31 year ago

    I feel like the Youtube channel Quinn’s Ideas has probably done this story more justice than Netflix ever could, but I’m at least glad to see a great story get a little attention rather than just another “reboot” of some terrible comic book story or another pathetic cash grab of a movie.

  • regal
    31 year ago

    As someone that’s always looking for more science fiction content, I’m looking forward to this. The game of thrones guys did a good job when they had someone else’s written content so this might actually be pretty good.

    • RupeThereItIs
      31 year ago

      I’m very weary. The books where very China centric, understandable being written by a Chineese author, and fear a white washing.

      Also, even though I loved the books, there was something… odd about them. I’m not sure if it was something lost in translation, or just that some of it felt. IDK over simplified, childish? I think it’s a combination of all of them, and I really wonder what they’ll have to do to make a TV Show from that source material to have mass appeal here in the west.

      • @Spectator
        1 year ago

        Agree about the odd quality. It feels like a plot driven rather than character driven book - the characters are there because the plot demands it. I never ended up liking any of the characters. They all felt robotic, cold, in their way of thinking and in the dialogue, or it felt like someone writing a historical account and putting words in their mouths that’s roughly what they said but not actually what they said. Maybe this is a result of the translation, but the translator I believe was also Chinese, and the non dialogue portions had pretty good prose.

        • @Donjuanme
          31 year ago

          That is a very common feeling when Americans consume Chinese media. It was first brought to my attention in an Asian studies course in 2006. In “the east” there is much less focus on the individuals that participate in the story, there are no heroes, no fated people, it’s society that drives the story.

          I’ve since started looking at Western media with a bit more scrutiny, and sometimes the Deus ex machina surrounding the lead characters is laughable.

      • FishInABarrel
        11 year ago

        I had a really hard time with the first book and eventually gave up–quite a rare thing with me. I felt like the translation wasn’t working for me, but that’s a hard thing to judge without actually finishing the book.

  • Fireduck
    21 year ago

    Before looking at the trailer, I was expecting a complete white wash without any of the Chinese history. But after seeing that, I have some hope that it is faithful. We shall see.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I greatly enjoyed the books (although I didn’t find them as “life-changing” as some 3BP fans I’ve seen online) and as faithful as the Tencent version was, I definitely found it a slog. There are reasons why you need to make some changes when going from one medium to another.

    That being said, I feel like the Netflix version will go to the opposite extreme.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I just want to see how bad the CGI is when the bullet tears apart all the ships. On a scale of ST:ToS to Battlestar Galactica I bet it’s in the ReBoot level of CGI.

    Oh damn I just necro’d the hell out of this lol oops

    • IzzyOP
      21 year ago

      I don’t think there is much concept of necro posting here. At least not while the activity level is as it is. Better than making a bunch of identical posts.

  • @ActuallyASeal
    21 year ago

    This could be interesting. I found the books to be very much a mixed bag of ideas. I loved he entire concept of the dark forest but I felt it was stained a bit by sexism.

    I could see any adaptation being hit or miss depending on what parts are chosen to be emphasize or cut.