Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • @[email protected]
    182 years ago

    Work from home, light day on the schedule at work, so I decided to do a cheeky bake session in the garage.

    Guess who was looking at the wrong Friday, and has meetings all afternoon?

    Go on, guess.

  • StudSpud The Starchy
    132 years ago

    Dinner is served. The silverside did not fall apart.

    I am the master chef, come at me bruh 🖐🖐

    blue dinner plate with roast silverside, potatoes, onions, and tomatoes

  • @[email protected]
    132 years ago

    Day off today to celebrate Mr Smeg’s birthday.

    Then tomorrow is the day we pickup the dog

    Not a bad week really

  • @[email protected]
    132 years ago


    Oh no.

    As part of the sorting I redid the TV stand (we’re going to eventually put the TV on an articulated arm up over the fireplace, with the cavity cabinetted out as a console nook), moved it out into His Lordship’s office ‘cos the little bugger has had greedy eyes on it since we started dating 20 odd years ago and wants it for his gaming corner (it’s actually mine and predates him), then shufted the big ol’ 78 record player over where the TV stand was and plonked the TV and accoutrements on top of it as a temporary measure.

    Thing is, that’s over a heating vent.

    And Misha remembered she fits under it


    Image ID: A fat buttery cat wedged under a record player in front of a heating vent with no intentions of moving

    I have made a terrible mistake

  • @[email protected]
    122 years ago

    Apparently the Melbourne subreddit has been banned for “violating the Reddit rules”? Huh…

  • @[email protected]
    112 years ago

    Good grief! Just sat on the West Gate Bridge for almost over an hour, contemplated driving off the edge for a second there. 25 minutes home took almost 2hrs in the middle of the fkn night.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    I do love the hubs but jesus I get a lot more done when he’s not around. Dining room is 100% cleared, most of lounge, things getting squared away and navigable w00t w00t. Also I get to blare music like whoa.

    one horrible upside to the housing crisis: It’s real easy to get rid of packing boxes on your local buy nothing group

  • @[email protected]
    102 years ago

    Whats on for the weekend all? Last night i went out dancing to a live jazz band which was lots of fun. Tonight is Fish & Chips and mead maintenance. Tomorrow is yoga/meditation at the Buddhist centre followed by my first date in 2 years, going to see Oppenheimer, excited and nervous haha. Saturday night going to see the Burnt Sausages and then we have a nice chilled out Sunday :)

  • @[email protected]
    92 years ago

    kidcalhoon2 just skated to school for the first time, we were late, and i couldn’t get Huey Lewis and the News out of my head the whole time…haha. just needed a car to skitch on

  • Rusty Raven M
    92 years ago

    I’ve been learning a lot about investing and making a few small investments in shares and funds over the last couple of years, and can definitely say that buying shares in individual companies is not my forte. For the most part the shares I bought have been steadily declining in value, against the trend of the market. Apparently if the shares drop enough the company can arrange to buy back the shares from small stockholders whose parcel of shares has become worth so little they don’t meet the minimum trading amount to be able to sell them through brokers. Who knew?

    I have had one success - Estia Health is being taken over, which means the shares I bought for them have seen a 43% increase in just over 12 months. Unfortunately I only bought $200 worth, and the profit from them is still nowhere near enough to make up for the losses on the others, but definitely better than nothing. I am definitely sticking with the index funds in future, I really don’t have the interest or knowledge for individual companies. And the clear winner is my Super fund - I got around 13% last year, plus many tax benefits.

    • @[email protected]
      22 years ago

      I did some penny stocks the other year and it was wild. I don’t understand it enough, but they basically became worthless and somehow got folded back into the company. 😂

    • Kudra :maybe_verified:
      52 years ago

      @wscholermann @bot001 well given the origins were for rich people (and the children of rich people) to do something with their spare time, it explains why quite a few degrees aren’t much use. But they do help you understand why things are the way they are. Just tough titties if you don’t have independent wealth to sustain you after you work this out.

      • @[email protected]
        2 years ago

        Pretty sure universities were originally started by religious orders to be a place of learning. For them learning was a form of worship. This applies to both xian and Muslim universities.

        • Kudra :maybe_verified:
          32 years ago

          @Seagoon_ there seems to be conflicting information online but most universities seem to exist separate to religious orders, despite historically being very heavily influenced by them at times.

          • @[email protected]
            2 years ago

            the origin of universities per se, I’m talking 1000 years ago

            But each university that exists today was founded for a unique reason

            but to call universities places where rich people could do hobbies is insulting to both universities and to scholars and scientists.

            For example, Darwin was a gentleman scientist. It wasn’t just something he did in his spare time. It was his vocation.

            • Kudra :maybe_verified:
              22 years ago

              @Seagoon_ yes, but he could only afford science to become a vocation because he was the son of a wealthy financier.

              “The world’s first university, The University of Al Qarawiynn, was founded in 895 CE by a woman named Fatima al-Fihri. She used her inheritance to form a large mosque with an associated school”

              … so the world’s first university apparently started by a woman of leisure who assumedly had a hefty inheritance if she could afford to start a University.

              Even Siddhartha Gautama was a nobleman.

              The luxury to spend time thinking and learning has traditionally been afforded to the wealthy, not the working class, and so when young folks now go to uni and feel like it was a scam, it’s worth noting this history.

      • @[email protected]
        2 years ago

        I wish I’d lived in the what are you talking about , University is free era. I would love to study some sort of science, maybe astro-physics or something…

        • @[email protected]
          52 years ago

          One of Miss Seagoon’s friends did a masters in Astro-Physics, her aim was to join the European space program. But she still couldn’t get in so she did a teaching degree too. But she does not regret studying one bit. ( her degrees were free but she does live in Europe )

          • @[email protected]
            2 years ago

            I. Am.Just.So.Jealous of all of that.

            A regret I have is that I have right-of-abode in the UK. Prior to Brexit, that meant I qualified for subsidised university throughout Europe (as long as I could qualify)…I thought about looking into that at one point, and didn’t.

            I regret that, but if I’d done that I wouldn’t have met MrsCalhoon and wouldn’t have kidcalhoon1/2… So, you know, fair trade.

            So, she they teach astro-physics?

    • @[email protected]
      22 years ago

      The whole system is a scam. Individuals and governments pay for education, and businesses use those people to make profits without contributing to the system that creates skilled people. But to not be so pessimistic, I personally enjoyed my time at uni, even though I don’t use any of it directly now. It expanded my horizons and was a foot in the door, that I otherwise wouldn’t have gotten. I am a better person for having gone.

  • @[email protected]
    82 years ago

    Just perusing r/BannedSubs for clues. Multiple subs got banned and returned. No explanation given yet.