After Mr Miracle (2017), Strange Adventures (2020) and One Bad Day: Riddler (2022), the Hugo-nominated duo Tom King and Mitch Gerads comes back with a retelling of one of the most famous comic books covers (if not stories) of history.

Although I haven’t read One Bad Day: Riddler, I’m generally a fan of Tom King, and his associations with Mitch Gerads are generally a win. What are you expecting?

  • @UESPA_Sputnik
    2 years ago

    Those facsimile editions are great and I’m glad that they’re continuing printing those. I mean, the stories themselves have been reprinted in paperbacks before but the facsimiles add a nice touch to the bookshelf. I already have Detective Comics #27 and Flash #123, and I’ll probably buy this one too.

    • @picandocodigo
      12 years ago

      I agree it’s great that they keep printing them. I recently read the reprint of Whiz Comics #2 and it’s really cool to read as close as the original as it can get, with the original ads and all.