I currently have a trainstation blueprint that I put down as and when I need to send artillery trains out to clear some nests. Unless I get this blueprint real close to the nests it isnt automated, anybody have a better system for expanding into unclaimed areas?
during endgame (which I think you’re at), I usually just load up a power armor full of the laser defenses, shields, and batteries + the personal nuclear reactor thing. Then I just run through the nests while the laser defense does all the work
I’ve only ever used artillery outposts once in a game with 1000x science cost where we were so far behind with science vs biter evolution manual clearing just wasn’t an option.
Every other time it is just manual clearing and then blocking off the cleared are with reinforced walls (if expansion is on). Early on with turret crawl, then tanks/grenades and later nukes and power armor.
You can use the remote control to manually target artillery. Much longer range.
Other than that, spidertrons!
Or have a friend who enjoys fighting and mind other things, my preferred approach :D