For me in SciFi I’ve been trying to hit some classics so I’ve read ‘The Iron Dream’ by Norman Spinrad, ‘A Time of Changes’ by Robert Silverberg and also the (recent release) ‘Out of the Ruins’ anthology.

Of those three I enjoyed ‘The Iron Dream’ the most since I didn’t enjoy Silverberg’s potraryal of women (and it doesn’t seem to have literary intent like in ‘The Iron Dream’.) 'Out of the Ruins had some bangers but it was a fairly inconsistent collection for me that mostly hasn’t been memorable.

So, what are you currently reading or have recently read?

  • Izzy
    2 years ago

    I’m almost done with book 2 of The Final Architecture trilogy “Eyes of the Void” by Adrian Tchaikovsky. It’s a pretty wild ride. Not quite as exploratory as Children of Time by the same author, but a solid space opera with some new takes on classic science fiction tropes.

    Also finished The Quantum Magician trilogy earlier this year.