Congressional Democrats have pushed for ethics reform legislation, efforts publicly rejected by Samuel Alito

  • @flossdaily
    591 year ago

    If Republicans had even a single ounce of integrity, they would be demanding he resign.

    But they would rather have an openly corrupt judge that votes their way on every single than to allow Biden to nominate an honest moderate.

    • KroninJ
      131 year ago

      I’m not sure about the majority but my dad has this mentality that liberals are the corrupt ones and you’re delusional if you think Republicans are corrupt in any way.

      Showing him this new from many different sites only results in “the libs are behind this and just trying to discredit the other side.” (But an article on a conservative site that can’t be found anywhere else is completely legit) There’s no reasoning with that type because reasoning isn’t there anymore.

      • @flossdaily
        71 year ago

        I’m sorry that this cult has poisoned your dad.

        My best friend of 20+ years has also had the Trump lobotomy.

        You can reason people out of positions they didn’t reason themselves into.

        • KroninJ
          51 year ago

          On the plus side, I haven’t had a great relationship with him my whole life. I’ve cut him off from my life several times and the only reason I started talking to him again was because he seemed different (from previous issues between us) at his dad’s funeral. He has at least followed my stipulations I set if he wants to continue to talk to me.

          Sorry to hear about your best friend. Hopefully it’s still one of those good relationships ‘as long as politics don’t come up’ kind of thing. But that’s a difficult one nowadays.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      If Republicans had even a single ounce of integrity, they would be demanding he resign.

      If they had integrity, he wouldn’t have been appointed in the first place.

  • FlashMobOfOne
    1 year ago

    They’re not ‘billionaire gifts’.

    They’re bribes.

    Let’s not use the euphemistic terminology. Calling these “gifts” is like using the term white nationalist in place of Nazi, or enhanced interrogation in the place of torture.

    • @mookulator
      121 year ago

      Expand and term limit SCOTUS. This system is ridiculous

      • @NOT_RICK
        161 year ago

        The only means is impeachment. Given how that went for Donnie twice I would imagine they won’t even bother

  • @AllonzeeLV
    1 year ago

    They were just talking to him, in the form of expensive bribes.

    “Money is speech” in this fucked up dystopic cesspool. This is what that means. It was happening long before, but it’s just out in the daylight and fuck the poories that don’t like it since Citizens United.

    Live by market capitalism, collapse by market capitalism. The inevitable consequences of the peasants tolerating the economic tyranny of the owner class.

    • @AllonzeeLV
      1 year ago

      Yeah, but he’s also a statutory rapist, so lets start with him and the other Rapist Kavanaugh.

      Unless there’s someone that can beat that. Any genocide enthusiasts on the Honorable Supreme Court of the United States? Anyone?

  • Yepthatsme
    141 year ago

    “N*****, you ain’t nothing but the white mans dog.”

    ~ Sgt Maj John Rawlins (Glory, 1989)

    • @BertramDitore
      271 year ago

      When I was young and learning about the Supreme Court in school, and Thomas was still in his “silent phase,” I was shocked to learn that he was black. I remember asking my mom, “but it seems like he hates black people, please explain?” She didn’t have an answer, other than “you can’t guess people’s beliefs based on their skin-color.” Wise woman. Now that it has been explained to me over hundreds of pages of ProPublica articles and the latest Slow Burn season (which really nails it), it’s clear that he is just a vindictive piece of shit with fluid ideals (he used to be a die-hard liberal) and a truly appalling sense of morality. He is being used by a group of white billionaires to get what they want and to make him feel rich and important. He had some genuine childhood trauma that clearly fucked him up, and the whole country gets to suffer for it.

  • @afraid_of_zombies
    111 year ago

    He isn’t going to resign. You might as well call for anything else. Pray in one hand, shit in another, and tell me which fills up first.

  • @Treczoks
    91 year ago

    If all corrupt politicians and government officials suddenly dropped dead, Washington DC would get a serious health and hygiene problem.

    • @flossdaily
      431 year ago

      Don’t both-sides this. Republicans are overflowing with scandals and staying in office even though the evidence of their guilt is in the public record.

      Republicans are trying to muddy the water by accusing Biden of corruption, but if you’ll notice, they have ZERO evidence to back it up.

        • @hark
          -11 year ago

          Democrats don’t have to play the game, they just choose to because they’re controlled opposition.

          • FlashMobOfOne
            01 year ago

            They choose to because it’s making them rich too.

              • @Cosmonauticus
                11 year ago

                Republicans are insane fascists, racist, assholes but if you think democrats aren’t pro big business I have an igloo in Florida to sell you. All their insider trading, meat riding big tech until a year or two ago, and forgiving PPP loans to mega corps screams pro big business to me.

      • FlashMobOfOne
        -31 year ago

        Corrupt or not, Biden is every bit as self-interested and neglectful to the poor and middle class as every Democrat since Carter.

        He’s a shitty president, and the fact that he’s done absolutely nothing meaningful as cost-of-living has risen 30% to 50% for most Americans is going to get a open fascist elected in 2024.

          • FlashMobOfOne
            1 year ago

            I mean, the article you mentioned name drops Biden a lot, but the only citation to anything related to him is just a quote from a speech. It feels like an AI wrote it, haha.

            Did he actually do anything meaningful to help the UPS negotiations?

            We can confirm he hasn’t done anything meaningful to change the minimum wage. He hasn’t done anything meaningful to make our health care system less predatory. He hasn’t done anything meaningful to stop the forced scarcity of the housing supply. Over his decades in Washington, he’s done a lot to help the prison industry keep its prisons full and to make student borrowers permanently indebted, and I’ll never get over how he promised $2000 checks if voters delivered Georgia. and then sent out $1400 checks (of our own money) instead.

            Apart from managing to cobble together a few pretty sentences (granted, a huge feat for a Biden) what has he done that helps the poor and middle class as a whole in any meaningful way?

            I guess we should just be excited that he keeps finding ways to send hundreds of billions of our tax dollars off to some other country’s war instead.

            • @Snapz
              41 year ago

              Your statement represents a child’s perspective, it lacks any and all nuance. It almost demands a Harry Potter spell from a president to show a direct result that immediately follows a flash, a bang and a puff of smoke - that’s not how it works.

              It’s a trap to try to get someone to defend Biden with passion, but he’s far from a bad president. You show your ass multiple times in your statement though and it’s pretty clear where you stand generally. You’re not a serious person.

  • Alien Nathan Edward
    71 year ago

    Dissolve the supreme court. Jail every justice that has so much as bummed a cigarette from anyone related to anyone who had business before the court. You want your word to be law and the only real oversight to be literal death? You need to be beyond the shadow of reproach. You should be held to the highest standard that we can imagine.

  • @Surp
    -41 year ago

    Isn’t this the same for pretty much all politicians? Check out all of their funds youll find more of the same. Clean everyone out…set the age limit to like 60 for all forms of government. What the fuck!

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      So far, nothing has come out on the women. I’m starting to think there’s an inside source. I think it’s Roberts.

  • @grayman
    -101 year ago

    I find it to be quite the coincidence that the left is finding so much corruption at exactly the same time that evidence of corruption comes out against Biden and other leftist politicians.