Atheist. Raised fundamentalist baptist.
Alcoholic. Detoxing myself. Down to roughly two 100 proof shots every 4 hrs during the day. 8 shots in cabonated water last night. Went to bed at 10:30 PM, up at 2:00 AM for two shots. Two shots at 7:30 AM. Lowest I’ve been in at least a year.
Fucking hurts.
Good for you! Be careful, and good luck.
Fuck this shit.
Nobody here much, so I’m just speaking my mind without a care.
Fucking fuck.
Ordered a used copy of zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. Been a while since I read it, and it should be on the shelf. That’s about my only real connection to Buddhism.
Fuck this hurts. If I don’t kick this I’ll die and I gotta take care of my people.
Have a son, despite my failings, he’s a really awesome person. Have a wife that’s way better than me. She’s a white buffalo. I don’t know why they love me like they do.
One hour at a time. Leaning in to the pain. Just another day in hell. Pain is normal.
Sweating it out. Worry about reasons later.
No liquor in 24hrs. Natural ice beer. Fucking wretched stuff. 5.9% abv. This shit tastes terrible.
Woke up in a sweat. Cracking open a warm piss beer sucks.
Had 12 in the last 24 hrs.
Climbing down a backwards mountain one shitty beer at a time.
Medical system sucks. Not going to spend the money for detox. Fuckers. Gotta save the money and get my family out of here.
Rough night, slipping in and out of nightmares. Continuing to reduce. Every day less than before. Less sweating and shakes last night.