I am currently running my instance using a VMWare cloud server with the following specs: 1 GB RAM / 1 Core / 30 GB SSD / 10 Mbps
This costs 13.94 €/month.
Using the same provider (serverspace.io), I can rent a vStack cloud server with: 1 GB RAM / 1 Core / 30 GB SSD / 50 Mbps
For 4.55 €/month.
I am using the more expensive option because this is my first self-hosted project and I did not realize the cheaper option was available when I originally set up the server.
As I currently understand it, renting a VMWare is renting a physical machine, and renting a vStack is renting one of many virtual machines installed within a physical machine. Is this correct? And, are there any practical reasons not to “downgrade” to a vStack? When should someone choose a VMWare over a vStack?
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