I hope that when all this is over this sentiment remains. There is so much corruption going back generations in all ex-Soviet countries that it would be nice for Ukraine to become an example of overcoming that.
He said a state investigation into centres across Ukraine exposed abuses by officials ranging from illegal enrichment to transporting draft-eligible men across the border despite a wartime ban on them leaving the country.
One day, very soon (because life is short), I hope to visit Ukraine and see the memorial for the war. It’s going to be so glorious, I just know it. Slava Ukrani!
mean while in Russia, Putin and his ball cuckers are doing the bribery lmao, but happy that this attitude show the world how different ukraine army is from putin circus
Good on him. Also, fuck Putin! Slava Ukraini!
Forever he be fucked
…and not in a good way.
oooo, you get ‘em!