• @[email protected]
      402 years ago

      It is now objectively a worst product for the people who paid full-price. They retroactively made all the previous skins very hard to obtain, and you no longer get new heroes without paying or grinding. That’s it, that’s Overwatch 2. Everything else has been canned.

  • @MaxPow3r11
    2 years ago

    The enshittification of gaming.

    They ruined Overwatch. They ruined Halo. Probably a bunch of other shit… What’s the next FPS franchise to get killed by greed?

    • Takatakatakatakatak
      102 years ago

      I don’t know if you’ve booted the latest Call of Duty lately, but the UI is now basically a slot machine.

      • @[email protected]
        52 years ago

        Do you mean the second Modern Warfare 2, or the sequel to the second Modern Warfare 2, Modern Warfare 3?

        What do numbers even mean anymore

      • @MaxPow3r11
        42 years ago

        I have not. That sucks. I was wondering about that. It seems like it has been heading that way too.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      Gamers deserve a good part of that blame also. Splitgate was doing amazing before Infinite drop. Then when it came killed both games. Gamers didn’t go back and support Splitgate. Or when we have things like Operation Harsh Doorstop and people just ignore it hoping again a triple A studio game will save them. I really hope Battlebits lasts.

  • @[email protected]
    312 years ago

    I stopped playing if when they put heroes behind the battle pass, and thus giving very real game advantage for money. They can shove it

    • Pxtl
      2 years ago

      I did too, but I got back in when they gave you a pretty easy achievement-based unlock the next season after the hero drops. I don’t love it but it means you’ll get the heroes at most 1 season late if you’re not active enough to complete the free-tier battle-pass.

      So it’s not nice but at least there’s no FOMO. It’s more like unlocking weapons in TF2 in terms of difficulty than true “pay to win”.

      To me the big pisser is that the OW1 gameplay of 2-2-2 is no longer available. 5 players is not large enough team for a game with a respawn timer and slow rollouts - losing one player (especially the tank) means the teamfight is over. That much pressure is just bad gameplay for a game that was originally supposed to be an approachable take on TF2.

      If they wanted smaller teams, they needed to rework how costly deaths are in teamfights. And OP tanks was just a dumb idea altogether.

  • blazera
    292 years ago

    Wish gamers could learn about voting with their wallets

    • @MaxPow3r11
      202 years ago

      The problem is a large portion of the “target audience” are literal CHILDREN who not only don’t have their own money but can’t think on this level & don’t understand that they are being scammed.

      • DarraignTheSane
        2 years ago

        Yes, but also there are many adult children for whom the same applies.

        • @[email protected]
          2 years ago

          There is also a lot of indifferent people as well. The vast majority of people online complain about these companies, but they are a minority of players.

          If people keep buying those games, that means that they are okay with the model, or the model isn’t shitty enough yet.

          But it’s naive to be in this echo chamber thinking that your opinion applies to the majority of the player base.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      Most can’t do their own taxes or hold a budget. You expect too much of the average player.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    As much as I agree with the communities disdain for Overwatch 2. Blizzard knocked it out of the park with steam integration. No launcher, just sign into your account and it links them and you have your friends lists available. I hope that blizzard keeps this up and releases more games through steam this way.

    • Kbin_space_program
      212 years ago

      It’s kind of the bare minimum. Nor is it particularly challenging if a small indie dev like those behind deep rock galactic can do the same.

      • @[email protected]
        112 years ago

        But the difference is that blizzard moved from bnet to steam and companies like Ubisoft/ea tend to make steam a launcher launcher. DRG devs (rock and stone!) Build up from nothing with steam so it’s easier to convince them to do it. They didn’t start with a launcher so making one doesn’t make sense.

    • @Zeth0s
      152 years ago

      Real Blizzard has been dead for years. This is not blizzard, they just bought the name.

      Why should we hope for this company who bought blizzard name and IPs to produce new games?

      I hope they simply stop. Nothing will be missed

      • Rusty
        52 years ago

        Activision Blizzard games not being the same as old Blizzard games is the surprised Pikachu meme embodiment.

        • @Zeth0s
          2 years ago

          Expectations for blizzard games nowadays are literally zero for me. They are dead.

          It is a sad because I grew up with their games

    • @[email protected]
      52 years ago

      Blizzard knocked it out of the park with steam integration.

      Desperation does this. They are so desperatly hoping someone is playing this mess, that they can’t afford to put in even the slightest hurdle.

  • Nevrome Glitchard
    212 years ago

    Good, let it rot at the bottom.

    If only shareholders could see what is happening and change their mind on what is a good, appealing game (à la BG3).

    I’ll keep dreaming.

    • I Cast Fist
      172 years ago

      If only shareholders could see what is happening

      They can’t hear over the millions in profit from microtransactions

    • teft
      102 years ago

      Continue to vote with your wallet. Don’t support crooks, throw your dollars at companies like Larian and hopefully the others will follow suit and start making good games.

      • @[email protected]
        12 years ago

        100%. This is a collective effort and since the market is mostly 20-40 yo demographic with disposable income, it’s up to them to do the right thing.

  • @Secret300
    92 years ago

    I mean it makes sense. The game is just the 1st one but worse in every way.

  • Tati
    92 years ago

    Wow it’s even worse than flatout 3???

  • @[email protected]
    72 years ago

    I love the reviews and comments that are not reviews. All it does is give them free advertising while ignoring the real issues. Like OW2 engine performance issues, removal of OW server locations, or even admitted rigged match making to push sales…

  • Saganastic
    52 years ago

    Can someone explain all the overwatch hate? I’ve enjoyed playing it.

    • @Zeth0s
      2 years ago

      Blizzard was once once of the most creative and revolutionary game producer out there.

      Whoever took it over, turned its games in a cover up for gambling targeted mainly to underage kids.

      This is the reason. It’s hate against those who bought and ruined the real blizzard

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      I will preface this by saying I still love overwatch, and I think it can be a very enjoyable game if you enjoy competitive shooters and don’t give a shit about cosmetics. The game costs 10dollars every 3 months or so if you want all gameplay mechanics at release.

      Ow1 was expected to be a huge failure, designed to recoup costs from a different project that was never released. Because of this it sold for a flat fee and gave out lootboxes like candy. It ended up being a massive smash hit and a few years in they announce ow2, just as some of the competitive limitations of the game started to show up.

      Ow2 got delayed a bunch and ow1 stagnated without new content. When ow2 finally released it had a rocky start, it went f2p and it also didn’t deliver on some of the promises and marketing hype. Most of the beloved public faces of the devs left the company and They removed a number of features from the old game, and it was initially quite buggy although I think for the most part they have all been readilded by now (only thing i can think thats missing is lfg, which was frankly aweful in ow1). The cosmetics were given out much less freely and have absurd prices. They also made new heros cost money (although during their season of release you could grind abiut 20hrs to get it, or wait until the season ends and get it in a few hours). They made some controversial game design decisions including reducing the number of players per team by 1, and removing some cosmetic features that were mostly ignored in ow1.

      The biggest of which was a pve mode, which some people extrapolated to believe was going to be a whole single player game. For some this was the primary reason to wait for ow2. This was heavily scaled back, although this season we are now seeing the remnants of what that looked like a few years late and without some of the biggest features (like skill trees).

      All this happened while blizz was having a massive sexual misconduct scandal, which obviously garnered a lot of negative sentiment, but also made the lawyers lock down all communications (ow1 had a very open and informal set of communication with the community), shook up their dev teams, forced them to rename a character (he was named after one of the rapists) and made them the victim of several ddos attacks.

      There’s also a bunch of stuff with the pro scene that I dont follow much, but essentially in ow1 they monopolized the pro scene which they had total control over, they forced teams to use country / city names instead of the standard egaming organization. This pro scene has, by all accounts been a big failure and now they are paying the engaging orgs to leave the league so they can kill it entirely.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      It was good at release but it’s gone down the shitter hard recently.

      The main thing is that they announced and charged people for Overwatch 2 which was supposed to have a whole new PvE mode and shit. But then PvE was cancelled. But then brought back on a shittier form as additional paid DLC.

      Then we have the fact that Overwatch 2 made it harder to get skins by playing.

      THEN they added new characters BUT you can only get the new characters by finishing the battle pass. To quote, “New heroes will debut for everyone in Overwatch 2 at Tier 55 on the free track of the Battle Pass. They’ll unlock immediately on the premium Battle Pass track.”

      So they made the game shittier to try and extract more money from players

  • @SignorPao
    02 years ago

    Overwatch 2 deserves to be criticized a lot. But this kind of review bombing is dangerous. Now it happened to a game a lot of people (rightfully) dislike. But what if it happens to another game that doesn’t deserve it? Just because it shares different political views or ideologies? Or because it doesn’t include an option for chinese language (it already happens)? Only kids can cheer at something like this, sorry.

    • @Alterecho
      22 years ago

      I would disagree that public reviews like this are dangerous for games. This is basically the same way reddit or any other social media platform works. Aside from the fact that this is still advertising for OW2, even if it is negative, People will play what they want to play regardless of politics- a là harry Potter game or atomic hearts. Similarly, in the court of public opinion you are allowed to engage in whatever discourse you want, and embrace whatever ideas you’d like. That doesn’t exempt you from the consequences of espousing ideas that are counter to the norm, but it does mean that you’d better be damn sure you mean what you say.

      In other news, look at no man’s sky or FF14! Public opinion is far from inflexible, if a dev is willing to put the time and effort into making something good out of a previously universally hated product.

  • Bappity
    -12 years ago

    well deserved 🥳