I really like Superior Spider-Man, Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man. Basically I like smart assholes that still do good.
Mr. Fantastic is a little less asshole than the two others, but yeah I also like this type of character
I’m a big moon knight fan. I also have a mental illness, and really find the character’s struggle with multiple identities to be an effective metaphor for my personal struggles. It’s the first Marvel charcter I really read – I was DC before that.
Rogue, prof x, basically most of the x-men!
The X-Men is my favorite team, and my favorite characters but couldn’t choose which ones are my favorites tbh
It’s difficult, I like most of them apart. But always loved rogue for some reason, oh and gambit as well. Maybe you are right, it’s too hard to choose!
I’m not a big fan of American comics and usually I buy only limited series because I do not want to have a series that I don’t know when will finish and how much I will pay. But know I’m starting with Deadpool (I’m italian and the first number was just annunced for this month) because it is one of my favourites, it’s stupid and not serious, so I can have a moment off reading it.