I want to switch back to a traditional 16:9 and looking for opinions on the best 27 inch monitor currently available. A lot of folks on Amazon seem to dig this one from AOC, but I’ve never bought anything other than Dell or LG over the years. It’s inexpensive, that’s for sure.

  • Kushan
    22 years ago

    If money isn’t a problem, consider going OLED. There’s a couple of 27" models hitting the market and once you go OLED, it’s hard to go back.

    • @BoiglenoightOP
      12 years ago

      Money is no problem. I’ll include that in my search. I guess burn in isn’t a problem anymore?

      • Kushan
        22 years ago

        I’d say burn-in is definitely still a potential problem, but most of the manufacturers are putting great warranties on the panels just in case. Mine came with a 3 year warranty. I have suffered no burn-in after a year, but I only use HDR mode when in games (becuase Windows’ HDR is garbage). Still worth it.

  • @inclementimmigrant
    12 years ago

    I’ve been using AOC CU34G2X, the 34 inch ultrawide mind you, and it’s been great. You don’t get a lot of bells and whistles but panel is solid, the refresh rate keeps up so I don’t notice much ghosting and colors after a bit of calibration looks great. I think it’s a nice price per performance monitor.

    You could also check out hardware unboxed channel too, they do a lot of monitor reviews.

    • @BoiglenoightOP
      12 years ago

      I love ultrawide for work, and like it for FPS and racing. However, anything with a mouse driven user interface where I travel more to click action bars, shortcuts, etc. gets on my nerves. Then there’s older games that don’t support ultrawide that display black bars instead. I think there’s more to like about a larger 16:9 for me when gaming is concerned.

      Do you have any advice on dealing with these issues I have? I reckon it doesn’t bother everyone.

      • @inclementimmigrant
        12 years ago

        Black bars don’t bother me much and as for games like RTS or SIM type games, I never had much of a issue with it since I’m used to keyboard shortcuts and dpi changes in the fly with a decent mouse at this point.