‘He was understandably frustrated and distraught by the present and on-going erosions to our constitutionally protected freedoms and the rights of free citizens’

  • @HWK_290
    871 year ago

    What kind of white washing (literally) is this?

    Dude stockpiled guns and threatened multiple elected officials, and died in a shootout with the FBI. It’s not like he was blowing off steam at the bowling alley FFS

    • @Hotdogman
      151 year ago

      Something, something states rights. That kind of white-washing.

    • sparseMatrixOP
      11 year ago


      It’s no less of a tragedy. Given how far he was able to descend into his persecution fantasy, there were clearly few choices when it came to addressing the concern when he started going right off the deep end.

      • @HWK_290
        41 year ago

        Ugh, the deep state is compromising mental healthcare AND our elections

            • be_excellent_to_each_other
              21 year ago

              I think some services/clients do that by default when you reply to someone. It may be how those services trigger notifications. (Also you can manually do it to “tag” someone which notifies them of your comment on most services, I think.)

              It seems to quote who you are replying to by default when using firefish, for example.

  • sparseMatrixOP
    1 year ago

    There are a lot of people who would like you to think that disinformation is harmless; that if you buy into bullshit that it’s your own fault; and that the ‘people that matter’ know the truth.

    This man bought into the fire hose of shit that is continuously, endlessly spewing a mixture of exaggerations, half truths and outright lies. He took it all very seriously, and he paid with his life.

    Ask yourself, do you think this man was one of the ‘people who matter’ to his family? It sounds like some of them agree with, and listened to him and the fire hose.

    This is a fucking tragedy. This man is a casualty of the fight for democracy, and it is a damn fight when people are getting shot for it. Not because he bought into some bullshit; but because he was fed a line of shit by people he trusted. His political party.

    This has got to stop, and I think that it surely will.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t have to be at the expense of another man’s life.

    Another husband, father, grandfather, uncle or brother. Or worse, whole families.

    • Kelvin n0mql EN35ld
      511 year ago

      Choosing whom to trust (& listen to) is a moral choice, much more so than a political or philosophical choice.

      Fam saying “he would never” are lying or naïve. He pointed a gun @ FBI agents. He would never?! Oh yes he fucking would, because he fucking did.

      Rule # 1: Never point a weapon @ anything you don’t intend to destroy.

      Repeated regularly by 2A folks.

      He chose amoral violence, tragically. A greater tragedy will be if his fam&friends consider him a martyr.

      • sparseMatrixOP
        221 year ago


        I do not question any of that. My point is, the republican party has been stirring this pot a long time, and as long as the money keeps pouring, they cant be arsed, as the brits say.

        It’s got to be stopped at the source. We’re already at the point that guys are like this everywhere. One stands in the foyer of the Kroger just about every afternoon 3 blocks from my house.

        Wearing a ball cap with a thin blue line flag, armed to the teeth, in a flag-wrapped t-shirt, glaring at anyone who walks by with a smile their face.

        His body language, the sidearm he’s wearing, his clothes - it all screams that if you’re aren’t mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, you must be a fuckin’ democrat.

        That is a feature of the republican party. If it isn’t addressed soon, some sort of war will be the only way it gets addressed.

        • Kelvin n0mql EN35ld
          81 year ago

          Bingo. That guy is a perfect example of the one big favor that #McTurtle & #IQ45 have done this nation. They made many of these amoral shits bold enough to stand up & be recognized.

          Now we know who many of them are. Never trust them. Oppose them @ every opportunity. Tax their churches & their billionaire leaders.

          There’s a great Jon Stewart quote that won’t fit here, because 500bytes, so it will be in my next reply…

          • Kelvin n0mql EN35ld
            131 year ago

            “You’ve heard it said ‘The arc of the moral universe is long and bends toward justice.’ But it doesn’t bend towards justice by gravity, you have to bend it. And there’s a bunch of people trying to bend it back.”

            - - Jon Stewart

            • Kelvin n0mql EN35ld
              91 year ago

              This dude in the news who was righteously, justifiably dropped by FBI agents spent a lifetime trying to convince his family, friends, et al, that his hatred & racism was correct. The GOP is made from the ground up by people who are this vile, or are totally OK with their associates being this vile.

              I shed not one goddamned tear. I have zero fucks to give.

              #WWJD? Well he wouldn’t be a Nazi, I’d bet my life on that.

              • sparseMatrixOP
                51 year ago


                Lets be clear - I am not making any kind of defense of this guy; I am eviscerating the GOP for creating and sustaining an environment that keeps that guy squarely where they want him, and operate that firehose of falsehood that suck new people into the rotten fold on an ongoing basis.

                • Kelvin n0mql EN35ld
                  41 year ago

                  Understood & agreed.

                  I just don’t consider his death a tragedy in quite the same way I’m inferring you do. I feel bad for the FBI agents if they suffer any emotional discomfort for doing the right, necessary thing.

                  I don’t suggest we euthanize all GOPers. But if they volunteer like this ass did, then fine. Natural Selection do your thing.


      • be_excellent_to_each_other
        1 year ago

        He pointed a gun @ FBI agents.

        I support the action taken by the FBI here, and I certainly support their use of deadly force on someone who pointed a gun at them. But having lived through the past several years, I’d really like to see a bodycam video which shows this.

        Not interested in seeing the man get shot, just want to see a video of him pointing a gun at them. I also acknowledge that I think the FBI seems to have a better record of not lying about their use of force than random police do.

        But, I’m still going with (believably) alleged to have pointed a gun at them for now.

      • Kelvin n0mql EN35ld
        41 year ago

        Other than that bit, I agree with you.

        Not that I’m a believer anymore, but the disinformation bit reminds me of the millstone mentioned in Mark 9:42

        • sparseMatrixOP
          1 year ago


          It’s possible to draw parallels like that everywhere all over the bible; and it’s not because of ‘omg prophesy’

          • Bizarroland
            51 year ago

            One thing I think is going on is that a lot of people in the western world have been raised to expect Armageddon sometime during their lifetime, and because they feel like they are on the right side they are attempting to accelerate that Armageddon because they think that happiness and Paradise are just on the other side of it.

            It’s like being told as soon as you finish this chore you’re going to get a tasty treat. If you really want the treat you’re going to work harder and faster to get the chore done sooner, right?

            There’s only one line in the Bible and I don’t remember where it is that cautions people against attempting to accelerate the end of times because they don’t really know what it’s actually going to be like and they’re only leading themselves to their own destruction but just like everything else in the Bible, because every single word is supposed to be important, that warning has just slipped through the cultural cracks.

            • sparseMatrixOP
              51 year ago



              You are saying something I’ve been saying for years. In fact, it was my parent’s generation who I saw anticipating armaggeddon, and they expected it in the year 2000. It’s what the lyrics of ‘Party Like It’s 1999’ are all about.

              I get the idea that when it didn’t happen that way, it surprised a lot of them, and eventually pissed off a bunch of them. They felt like they’d been cheated out of the second coming, or something.

              While my parents are passed now, and didn’t really share the perspective anyway, I think there are still a bunch of these grizzled old assholes around, ready to see it all burn before they croak, just so they can be around when it happened.

              • Bizarroland
                11 year ago

                It’s in the realm of “Self-Fulfilling Prophecy” at this point. If God won’t do it, we’ll just make our own Armageddon with internet greed and hypocrisy.

              • btaf45
                11 year ago

                In fact, it was my parent’s generation who I saw anticipating armaggeddon, and they expected it in the year 2000. It’s what the lyrics of ‘Party Like It’s 1999’ are all about.

                We didn’t expect shit. It’s just a song dude.

          • Kelvin n0mql EN35ld
            41 year ago

            I was @ Wendy’s abt 12y ago. Mostly empty. Dude 10’ away blustering to his daughter about those “Slow… Children At Play” signs/markers people put at the end of their driveway. “They’re illegal! They can’t put up signs the city didn’t put up. I’m gonna run ‘em over!”

            His back was to me, so his daughter could see me flip him off. She briefly smirked, but he didn’t see it. I did her a great service that day.

  • @Son_of_dad
    331 year ago

    He was frustrated with corruption, but was a Trump supporter. I cant even think of a joke there…

  • 𝙣𝙪𝙠𝙚
    311 year ago

    “Though his statements were intemperate at times, he has never, and would never, commit any act of violence against another human being over a political or philosophical disagreement,” the statement read.

    Cognitive dissonance. He literally committed an act of violence against another human by shooting at FBI agents. Their whole damn family is fucking stupid and I’m glad the piece of shit is dead.

    • sparseMatrixOP
      31 year ago


      This is exactly how they want you to feel, because it will sensitize you to the violence, you eventually move beyond the mere vocal, and they’ll have the war the want, because you and everyone like you will do the same thing. You’re far from alone in this thinking, so they are winning on fronts that we dont acknowledge, at least not ‘in the clear’.

  • GizmoLion
    251 year ago

    How the hell did this headline get past the editor??
    This sounds like the FBI shot the man’s family after he threatened Biden, saying he’s frustrated.
    It’s hard to put much stock in their interpretation of the facts when their attention to detail never graced the headline even for a minute…

    • @ultranaut
      121 year ago

      There’s an effort to stoke further violence by turning this guy into a martyr.

      • GizmoLion
        01 year ago

        I’m guessing you replied to the wrong comment, because it had nothing to do with mine lol.

  • @JuzoInui
    221 year ago

    FRUSTRATED?!!! This choad was living his best life but was p!seed that others were living theirs as well. Couldn’t deal that the world revolves around the sun not HIM. Took too many redpills and got gobsmacked by Agents who didn’t emphasize with his version of the world. Keyboard muscles are no match for real ones, mate

    • sparseMatrixOP
      41 year ago


      I am not eager to rush out into the street and ‘cull’ my idiot countrymen, just because they’re idiots. Some of them are my family, some are my neighbors.

      Before you suggest I get the fuck away from them, I largely have. It does not do anything to help the problem, it just gets the problem out of my face.

  • @ProvableGecko
    201 year ago

    Nazi killed in a shootout with feds: Man shot dead by FBI

    Black boy gunned down by racist cop: Man died in officer involved incident

    Makes sense

    • sparseMatrixOP
      111 year ago


      No, it absolutely is not. To be clear, I am not defending his actions in any way, nor am I impugning the FBI for their response.

      I am, however calling out the entire republican party as responsible for either of producing the lies this man believed, condoning them, or endorsing them or some combination of them. They’re all complicit in the lying for political gain, and in the interest of working up the rubes (seems the rubes will throw more money when they’re all worked up), they’ve raised the violence in the rhetoric to such a degree that now we have erstwhile one man armies preparing to roll out to their deaths convinced that they are off to save the nation.

  • @LEDZeppelin
    201 year ago

    I’m frustrated with these motherfucking traitors

  • Silverseren
    101 year ago

    What freedom and rights have been affected, exactly? Is this just “immigrants and LGBT people exist” nonsense, where it’s claimed that not doing negative things to such groups is somehow an attack on white straight men?

    • @CeruleanRuin
      41 year ago

      It is 100% about COVID and guns. It always is.

      • Silverseren
        21 year ago

        Covid is effectively over for these people though and the US never even went proper lockdown at all, unlike most of the rest of the world. How do they politicize Covid at this point?

        Yeah, can’t argue about guns. Despite conservatives being the ones with the greater amount of gun restriction legislation and such, especially under Trump, they will still claim the opposite every time.

  • LemmyLefty
    91 year ago

    ”Craig loved this country with all his heart. He saw it as a God-inspired and God-blessed land of liberty. He was understandably frustrated and distraught by the present and on-going erosions to our constitutionally protected freedoms and the rights of free citizens wrought by what he, and many others in this nation, observed to be a corrupt and overreaching government.”

    This quote isn’t attributed in the article, and it comes after a statement by the FBI and before a paragraph introducing the family’s quote, so I think it’s fair to say that this paragraph should be after that family paragraph.

    So…does anyone remember who said that if you find someone in therapy that you know the rest of the family needs it as well? Or something about how individual issues are much better understood within the context of a family.

    • sparseMatrixOP
      31 year ago


      I am under no delusions the guy was anything but a vicious piece of crap; I’m just pointing out that there are a lot of people like this, and this guy will be a martyr to them, and the tragedy of dead fucking Americans will grow with every body that hits the floor.

      I’m not suggesting the GOP or their views are to be somehow socially redeemed, but if you’re fine with everything being escalated to a shootout, I think its probably already too late anyway.

      • LemmyLefty
        31 year ago

        Are you sure this reply is directed at my comment? Lemmy has a tendency to let comments slide around.

        • sparseMatrixOP
          1 year ago


          Man, it sure doesn’t look like it, does it. My bad, I must have mis-clicked.

          It does, however, accurately state my perspective. Concerning your assertions about therapy and families, therapy isn’t necessarily going to fix these folks. By and large we have to remove the oxygen from the room where these ideas breed, and force out the occupants. Maybe the FBI should do something to take these guys alive instead of engaging them on their level. Not because its the moral thing to do, that is an adjacent and separate reason; but for tactical and strategic reasons.

          The dumb bastard knew what he was doing, and it worked. He has done the noble deal, and died for his cause. Those that share his cause will see him as a literal inspiration. It’s playing right into their hands.

          • LemmyLefty
            51 year ago

            It’s okay; it’s a bit of a puzzle, putting some of these threads together. That, and while I can see the number of comments, it rarely matches up, so I think some comments aren’t popping up or are disappearing when deleted.

            Oh yeah, I see therapy as a reactive effort, with the biggest issue being the profit made from polarization and conspiracy laced media. But it’s a good barometer for who is more prone to develop these issues. It’s a numbers game whenever you’re dealing with big populations with respect to limited resources, so focusing on those people who are most susceptible or most surrounded by this rot and get it within their closest social spheres is useful.

            The problem is that once the fire takes hold you have to shift a lot of the effort to firefighting and not fire prevention. That, and for all their monitoring, agencies like the FBI aren’t as good at suppressing extremism as, say, increasing social services and a focus on healthy communities. They’re hammers, and we’ve all got a bunch of loose screws…

      • btaf45
        11 year ago

        and this guy will be a martyr to them,

        This guy is just a dumbass to everybody. He was killed by a gun fetish, he couldn’t resist a shootout when the FBI came.
        His only legacy is spending his life collecting a bunch of guns to give to the FBI.

        • sparseMatrixOP
          11 year ago



          This guy is just a dumbass to everybody.

          This is wishful thinking. I live in one of the black hearts of Trumplandia, and I can assure that what you say is anything but the case.

  • theodewere
    91 year ago

    these right wing morons have had their brains eroded so goddamned far by right wing radio and TV, they are hopeless… they are literally going to Hell, like their dead moron cousin…

  • @CeruleanRuin
    1 year ago

    Actual truth: He was frustrated, because people around him didn’t want to be around him, because his personality was terrible and he smelled like boiled onions.