Just a casual look at AirBnB shows more than a thousand listings in Vancouver alone! Which makes sense, if you can rent out a suite for significantly more on AirBnB than you can to a local, long term renter, why wouldn’t you?

With AirBnB, you can reserve dates you want to use your suite, don’t have to worry about trying to evict a long term tenant and probably don’t have to meet any of the legal requirements that are attached to long term rentals.

In a world with AirBnB, what incentive is there for those low budget rentals?

  • 'M' as in 'MANCY'
    11 year ago

    They’re fine but I think stratas should be allowed to ban them per their bylaws.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Banning short-term rentals should be possible for munis and strata.

      Owners should of course already be on the hook for noise, abuse to common areas, security violations, etc.

      Regions with strong landlord-and-tenant regs should be better-off for this. I’m not sure why it’s a “we need to block this” vs “owners need to justify their request for exemption to provincial law” anyway.