I personally prefer the old revenant abilities

  • StrangeName
    51 year ago

    His ultimate feels really strong right now, 75 extra health makes a huge difference in a fight. That being said I rarely played Revenant before the rework so I guess I prefer this version.

  • @the_robomafia
    41 year ago

    Me too the jump is hard to control for me I wish they had at least added an indicator

  • @d_ohlin
    31 year ago

    I actually like the new better than the old… particularly the mobility piece. Although like another poster said an indicator or something would’ve been nice as I’ve definitely screwed a handful of jumps up. But as the game leans more and more info mobility it’s a welcome touch I feel. I really love his passive low health enemy highlighting, and I like his ult ok too.

  • Vik
    21 year ago

    I think I got a lot of mileage out of Silence but I feel as though I’ve never made effective use of the totem.

    The pounce takes a bit of getting used to but I always enjoy mobility options so I’m willing to give it a try.

  • Discoslugs
    21 year ago

    Its a complete change. I really liked the ability of shutting down another legends powers.

    I get the desire to buff Revenant. But this is just another teleport. The new ultimate is very badass but. I wish they would just have left their active alone.