I’m desperately looking for antonyms or somewhat opposites to “procedural”. Checked on some antonym dictionaries but didn’t find anything. More specifically it’s about “procedural knowledge”.
“Unplanned” or maybe “creative” could be some possibilities, but I wonder if something more appropriate could be found.
All possible suggestions greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Edit: Thanks everyone for the great suggestions! Together they led me to choose “exploratory” as somewhat opposite to “procedural”. There’s a huge variety of possibilities, but this one seems to fit my context well :)
Ad hoc?
Wikipedia has “practical, imperative or performative knowledge” as options.
Dunno if any of those fit your need.
edit fat fingers
Rote, memorised, pre-determined.
Going off of unplanned, or creative maybe some of these would work?
Serendipitous Coincidental Chaotic Obtuse Impulsive Defiant Archaic Exotic Peripheral Whimsical Impromptu
Late to the party, but how about abstract?