Took a lot of trial and error, but I managed to complete it. Looked up certain clues and used the “Check Puzzle” button a few times.
spoiler: answers discussion
Got SHORTENING, but took a while to get the rest of the themes clues. Felt like a genius when I figured it out.
Lower left corner was a slog. The clues I had to look up: 26D “First woman in the National Baseball Hall of Fame” and 59A “Part of the Hollywood monogram J.E.J.”. Thought it was some kind of trio. 49D “Grub, e.g.” was a confusing one as well.
Yeah, I’m really not seeing the connection between the theme clues and the answers
Look at the first letters of the words in the clues and the first three letters of the answers.
Cup Of Noodles = CONcourse
And the word after the first three letters is food related.
Mini crossword link (free to play, account not mandatory):
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Solved in 1:29. Haven’t done a crossword in years but this was fun. The mini is a good size for me
What was your time
The Mini is fun to do. There’s also PlusWord from The Telegraph which combines a mini crossword with Wordle.
Mini: 1:27
Wordle in 3, lucky guess1:39, some weird clues for us non-americans 😅
Yeah that can happen. Just gotta power through it.