Gold doesn’t mean much after you’ve purchased everything you can at The Shop. Sure you can tip Llyod, (and you should!) and now play Jetty Boot for a small fee. But I’d like there to be a few more ways to spend it.

So what do you think? What do you wish you could spend your gold on?

  • Kreig
    151 year ago

    Forget gold, I want a use for my excess perk points!

    • Archive
      51 year ago

      This is a good idea. GSG always does a great job decorating the space rig for events but it would be nice if players could decorate their rigs in between events.

    • TheSpookiestUser
      21 year ago

      Imagine if you could decorate your little bedroom, and then “take it with you” when you join a lobby.

  • @CommissarVulpin
    101 year ago

    I’d like to keep as much gold as possible for when I inevitably don’t have enough bismor to promote

  • TheSpookiestUser
    101 year ago

    Skins for more things. Drop pod skin, resupply pod skin, doretta skin, molly skin; have the host’s skins applied by default but then have a toggle to pick a random persons’s skins instead.

  • @kometes
    61 year ago

    I’d like to buy an item that heal’s Steeve.

  • @Sketchpad01
    31 year ago

    Maybe consumable items? Dont know what they’d be though