There’s a tendency for articles from The Guardian to be shared here; here’s something from the Telegraph instead.

While I agree with some aspects of this opinion piece there are some segments that irk me. So it goes.

  • @[email protected]
    441 year ago

    Why the hell did I go into the comments on a Telegraph article… White flight wtf…

    I am just under 50 and I would love to leave the UK for another country, but I don’t have the resources to do so. I don’t have a profession or skillset that is in demand in another country, I don’t really speak another language (GCSE French and a bit of Duolingo Spanish). I don’t own property I can sell for a chunk of funds. And I have an elderly mother I’m semi responsible for and wouldn’t want to leave.

    Emigration is something of a privilege. The people who are suffering most under the social and economic conditions created by years of austerity and aggressive neoliberalism aren’t generally going to be the ones who can move elsewhere. I suspect a lot of the people who can and will leave are the ones who voted for this shit show in the first place. Twats.

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago

      I suspect a lot of the people who can and will leave are the ones who voted for this shit show in the first place.


      The people who are under 50 and moving are certainly not going to have voted for this.

      The rich who voted for this are mostly insulated from the mess so if they are here it’s because they have already chosen to be here, and the poor who voted for this couldn’t afford to move countries.

      The under-50 who are mobile enough to move are more likely to be liberal.

    • @C4dOP
      101 year ago

      One does not simply… go into the comments section of the Telegraph.

      Empathise with the rest of your post; not everyone is in a position to drop everything and go.

    • tiredofsametab
      41 year ago

      Also, depending upon the country, age can cause you more issues. In Japan, for example, using the point system to apply for permanent residency is possible, but certain points become unavailable or more difficult with age.

  • @doublejay1999
    1 year ago

    Mixed feelings about this .

    People who don’t see the telegraph, need to know to how poisonous it is, and how detached they aren’t their readership are from reality.

    On the other hand, to see how triggered we are by it, suggests we are still vulnerable.

    every single word, of every single sentence, on every single page is to advance an agenda. We might not immediately know which, or whose, but it is committed to enabling hard right politics

    This country is damaged, but not beyond repair. All kinds of people, from all over the world still want to come here. Remember that, and try not be poisoned by constantly consuming messages from the ruling class, that help them stay in power .

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      The part that pisses me off the most is that, for his audience, this is sage advice: go where the money is. Community and family roots mean nothing. Tories have sucked this place dry, and need to migrate to a new host. All we can hope is that the new host puts them on barges or something.

    • @C4dOP
      21 year ago

      Yes; I described the author as a “specialist” in another comment - the writing style is very deliberate.

      There are bits that might be easy to agree with or at least palatable. Then there are the bits that provoke a reaction. And I agree that there is always a narrative being pushed somewhere.

      If you strayed into the comments, some have picked up on the NHS or parts - and some seem to have concluded that the current government is somehow too left wing.

      • @doublejay1999
        21 year ago

        The comments, on any piece, are invariably a metaphors “kill the weak and the people that care”

  • @[email protected]
    191 year ago

    The torygraph would love it if the only people who stand in the way of total domination left the country

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    Mysteriously, there’s no mention in this article of who might be responsible for this mess! Say, a political party of some sort? That’s been in government for some time?

    • @Weedbro
      81 year ago

      It’s from the Telegraph their whole news outlet is laughable.

    • @C4dOP
      41 year ago

      The Spectator? You’ve gone too far! (Yes, Ashworth-Hayes is a somewhat specialist author)

  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    I’m conflicted. Whilst I’d love to get the fuck out of this shit hole everywhere else is a fucking shit hole in various different ways and degrees. Fuck this planet in general tbh.

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    Ironically I left the UK years ago and the news in my current country is saying to bail from here too because everything’s going to shit. I think it’s just everywhere.

  • theinspectorst
    61 year ago

    If you’re the demographic that doesn’t vote Tory, it’s time to jump ship – get out of Britain before the election

    -- The Telegraph

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      That’s how I read it. But what they seam to have forgotten is such people don’t read the Torygraph.

  • clara
    61 year ago

    whilst the telegraph can be a bit sensational, broken clocks are right twice a day.

    i am taking steps to leave here. it wont be for a couple years yet, but i am on the path.

  • @Jackthelad
    51 year ago

    I can’t afford a house in my home country, how am I supposed to be able to afford to move abroad?

    • ineedaunion
      1 year ago

      I live in America. Same issue and we have no rights and no access to healthcare.

      • @Jackthelad
        11 year ago

        We barely have access to healthcare in the UK tbh.

        Unless you pay for private insurance anyway, but then you’re paying twice for healthcare.

    • TheHalc
      51 year ago

      I’m sure they’ll have a great time when there’s no one to pay their pensions.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Much of that stagnation is because of the Tories running the country into the ground and gifting us the disaster of Brexit. Which the Shittigraph cheerled all the way.