Europe being the nordics, britain, ireland, france, germany and poland?
Of course that’s all of Europe duh🙄
Why did you skip Switzerland? You have something against us!? /s
TIL that Spain is not Europe
The Spanish won’t mind you saying that, they are busy napping.
I can’t wrap my head around siestas. Doesn’t anyone have 9-5 jobs there? Does the program change to accommodate heat? Is everything just running AC all the time?
It’s absolutely horrible! Everything above circa 18-20°C outsides means physical pain for me. Literally (as in literally and not in figuratively).
It’s not litelarlly in my case, but still, I wish I lived in Norway, Sweeden, Finland, Denmark 😞.
We just had a week with 30°-ish in Oslo 🫠 Northern Norway has struggled to see 20s though.
Alaska, here I come 🤗.
thats spot on honestly, i feel like 25 degrees is the sweet spot, anything above that is annoyingly hot
18C is best C
I am so cold when its 18°C. 22 is already super cool.
Maybe, but consider this, you can dress up for colder weather, the same can not be said for hot weather, there’s only so much you can leave off (legally)
35 but sure
Depends on where you live :p It just got to 32°C here and I’m dying. I love my 15°C.
deleted by creator
Last summer, 40°C in Bordeaux … Hot but livable, the week after 31°C @ Corse and fucking dying.
Humidity is humiliating and humbling.
In Houston it will be 35-37, then rain mid afternoon. After the rain you can feel the water evaporating the back up off the grass when the sun comes out. Absolutely as humid as possible. In any case, not too hot until it’s 35 at 50-60% humidity.
Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal apparently are not Europe
Mediterraneans casually sipping coffee while the sun is melting their skin away
99% humidity, let’s go
And in Finland:
30C in Poland and dying today… Also living in an attic room doesn’t help as it becomes extremly hot in these weather. I need to invest in a portable air conditioner.
I mean it is warmer in some other countries, but with our humidity it just feels worse, ya know?
Where I live it gets to like 35° and 100% humidity and it feels like you’re melting
No kidding past the point of 25°C I pull off my clothes and only put on a shirt for professional Google Meets.
My coworkers know they should not ask me to get off of my chair. No one has ever challenged me yet, but I’m ready.
Not in Malta my friend
Coastal gang
Inti malti?
I’ll take 100+degrees of dry heat and AC over ever going back to that swamp ass euro summers with fans.
German here. We have rather shitty weather in autumn, winter and parts of spring. I for one welcome the warmth and most heat waves. 25°C and up is when I start to function and… live. I prefer heat so much over cold.
I loathe the first day of autumn and the realization that it’s gonna take more than a half year until we get some non-depressing weather again. I really hope that point is going to be late this year.
You live in a climate that’s not supposed to be that warm (not as long and as often as it is nowadays anyway), and is supposed to be rainy, windy and cold. Rather than hoping the climate will change I would recommend you look into moving somewhere south where the climate is naturally warmer.
The current heat waves are a sign of climate change, and it’s nothing to be celebrated even if you love the heat, somehow.
Me who loves rainy days
Rainy days are awesome… If I don’t have to go out.
Yeah those rainy 21°C summers in Sweden before the long winter :-(
Thank goodness air conditioners are becoming more popular out here, so we can at least create some spaces where it’s comfortable.
102 degrees of Freedom here. KMP.