First, I’m not going to give any social media my ID.

If someone intends to expose your ID to hackers due to Twitter’s poor security performance, this presents a perfect occasion for them.

I don’t know why these social media companies are so fixated on asking for personal information. And I’m sure this is just the beginning of Elon’s grand plan.

Perhaps it’s time to abandon Twitter and move to other fediverse or decentralised platforms? I would love to see a mass migration.

  • @[email protected]
    872 years ago

    First, I’m not going to give any social media my ID. If someone intends to expose your ID to hackers…

    This doesn’t have anything to do with hackers. I’m not going to give any social media my ID, period.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    Basically the only reason to collect that level of ID if you’re not a bank is so you can fulfil anti-money laundering requirements necessary to allow trading of some commodity, or currency.

  • @MasterBlaster
    532 years ago

    Wait! The darling of the conspiracy theory wingnut flat earther, pizzagate crowd is pushing government certified identification requirements???

    We have found the number of the beast, and it is X (and the neurochip he’s pushing)

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      Trump and Elon do hit a lot of the typical and biblical high notes for the anti christ. More research is needed.

      Edit: I randomly selected this source for characteristics of the anti christ, in the Bible. Let’s do it!

      1. Originate from the Revised Roman Empire Not really clear what this means. Elon hails from a white, protestant, colonial culture in South Africa. Not an Italian colony, but rather Portuguese and then British? Idk Rome ruled Portugal right?

      2. A Deceiver. This probably needs little explanation. I think tesla owners and Twitter investors think Elon is a deceiver.

      3. He is a man OK, Elon fits this one, as do roughly half the world population.

      4. Gay? This source really seems to think that the antichrist won’t desire women, and is therefore gay. OK. Weird. Maybe asexual? But specifically to Elon, he dated Grimes who may be non binary? And further, Elon could be say to protest too much about traditional masculinity. Let’s say that’s a maybe.

      5. From a religious family. A quick Google search shows he was raised evangelical. So this fits.

      6. He has a number, 666. Yes famously he changed Twitter to X, a Roman numeral. Apparently I’m not wise enough to see the connection to 666. Fits.

      7. Miracles Yeah I think being a “tech” CEO is probably the custom of devil magic. We all know God hates tall towers and global communication. Fits.

      8. He is known by many names. Elon. Muskrat. Elongated musk. Space Karen. Elmo. Need I continue?

      9. Desecrate the temple Sure. I could see him doing that. Server farm in Jerusalem.

      10. Rise from the dead Well I guess that would be a tell tale sign wouldn’t it be.

      11. In power for seven years Let’s see how much power Twitter gets him.

      12. Kill christians Ah, yeah, now I see why christians have such a persecution complex.

      13. He will have influence in all the world Well yeah. Short of some sort of nascent one world government, you either have to be the president of the US, or some sort of tech/comm CEO to have influence in the whole world. I’d say owning Twitter fits here pretty well. Short of being the Smoking Man in the x files or something.

      14. Be arrogant and fight against God. Elon is pretty arrogant and God is pretty sensitive. Sending people to Mars or having a tool so that the whole planet can communicate does seem like something God would want to put a stop to.

      15. He will be defeated. Yeah Jesus! Knock Musk down a peg for us all!

      And I can conclusively prove that Elon is the anti christ. I will be taking no questions.

      • @MasterBlaster
        22 years ago

        I found this amusing, personally, but apparently about 50% of readers hated it… I wonder why? (And as important, why so many?)

  • Sneaky Bastard
    2 years ago

    Surely it’s for a mechanism to prevent hatespeech, right? Right?

    • lemmyvore
      172 years ago

      X is going to be a WeChat clone. Social features will become tacked on and transformed to fit. Musk will take a page out of the CCP’s playbook in moderating the platform.

      Twitter’s zombified corpse will go on while former Twitter features drop away like bits of rotten flesh. Just… look away. Any talk about free speech or microblogging is pointless going forward.

      The bird is dead. Pour one out and let her RIP.

      • @Jat620DH27OP
        112 years ago

        Many of them are just unaware, but thanks to Elon’s great plan, more and more people have started to realize that things are going wrong.

  • @aceshigh
    222 years ago

    Facebook pulled that same shit on me in 2011, and I never went back. It was awesome!

    • @sab
      112 years ago

      I had to get a Facebook account in order to get an api token (for work). So I used a fake name. That apparently triggered something, because I then also had to supply legal id. What’s a guy to do in that case?

      Well, obviously the only sensible thing you can do under those circumstances. I just grabbed an example drivers license for my country online, photo shopped my fake name into it, changed since serial numbers, and pasted another face over the black and white photo. The original used a woman’s face with curly hair - turns out that if you neatly paste a man’s eyes, nose and mouth in there, he looks like a hardrocker. Next step: print it out on paper, take a picture of that from some distance, and submit it to Facebook as proof. Funnily enough, they approved it.

      Since I didn’t really need to use the account itself, I set it to only accept friend requests from Friends of Friends. But still, whenever I logged in with it, I got a popup that my account was showing “suspicious behaviour”. And that’s how you submit your id to social media.

      • @aceshigh
        42 years ago

        not worth the hassle. honestly, i am thrilled that facebook kicked me out.

        • @sab
          32 years ago

          Absolutely. Like I said, I needed it for work, but there’s nothing Facebook could give me that would be worth their spying.

  • @xc2215x
    202 years ago

    Hackers could do so much with this.

  • HotsauceHurricane
    202 years ago

    Hell I’m not going to give my phone my goddamn Id. The further away from cameras my ID is the better.

    • @joe
      22 years ago

      I’ve never really considered it before. Should IDs be considered private information, or public information?

        • @joe
          -52 years ago

          Yet you show them to the minimum wage earner before buying alcohol, or let a bouncer scan it before getting into a club? That doesn’t seem like something you’d need to do with private information.

          • @d3Xt3r
            2 years ago

            In both cases though, there is a legal requirement to prove that you’re above legal age to buy/consume alcohol. However, there’s is no legal requirement to provide such information to a social media platform.

            • @joe
              -22 years ago

              Sure, but if they’re not really private information, then what is the concern? It seems to function similarly to an email address, kinda? Something I’d really rather not be shown to the public but also something I’m giving out to the public all the time.

              • youthinkyouknowme
                22 years ago

                Although it’s relatively not so private, I’d still rather not be giving it away to social media. Unlike an email, your ID, full name and DOB is enough for scammers to use your name for shady stuff, at least in my country.

                It got to the point here that scammers get older/retired people IDs to open bank account and get loans, leaving these people with debt + the whole legal process.

          • @MasterBlaster
            32 years ago

            Over the years this has become more invasive. We didn’t have to hand over our I’d for scanning potentially into a permanent record to do things. A quick proof of age was all people cared about for those things inappropriate for minors.

            It’s illegal to ask for your SSN, yet it happens all the time and we have no recourse if we refuse.

            We’re being desensitized to the invasion of privacy to the point we don’t care any more. I think that is the goal. Death by 1000 pricks.

            • @joe
              02 years ago

              But your SSN is private and you shouldn’t give it out or show it except in very rare instances.

              What information on a driver’s license is private? Your address? Your eye color? Your birthday?

              • @MasterBlaster
                2 years ago

                All those bits of information are caller personally identifiable information (PII) and are protected by law for anything involving health and financial data.

                In it’s old form, the license isn’t a huge problem because people can’t use it to clear your accounts, fraudulently open credit cards, take out loans.

                All of those are trivial with the SSN, combined with a few of the above data points.

                Now, however, in America the drivers license is becoming required to be a full homeland security certified ID equal to or more important than the passport.

                It is encoded with all your vitals and readable by a quick scan. With your full name, age, birthdate, address, height, weight, and eye color combined with the SSN, you are screwed if shady players have that.

              • @[email protected]
                12 years ago

                Drivers license number is very frequently used for identity verification purposes or gates away access to essential government benefits. It’s personal information; as evidenced by the fact that it’s definitionally covered by literally every states data breach notification laws and the handful of state consumer privacy laws that exist.

                • @joe
                  12 years ago

                  Yes, except you give that card to all sorts of people, right? So it is really private? Identifying, yes, but private?

          • @SoggyBread
            22 years ago

            But at the same time, all they care about is date of birth. Theyre not looking for name, hair color, eye color, address, weight, organ donor status, etc.

            • @joe
              22 years ago

              Well, DoB and the picture. Are those other data fields considered private?

              • @Spiralvortexisalie
                22 years ago

                Many of the scanning apps allow for customer and patron lists be built off the scans, even without that feature they usually store everything contained in a scan. That barcode on the back of American Licenses will often have more information than even the front. I don’t know about current standards, but at least one American state had your ssn as your id# and a few others would include it in the barcode scan. It really depends state by state how much info is in a code but it almost always more than whats on the front.

                • @joe
                  02 years ago

                  I can’t speak definitely, but I’m pretty sure it’s been made illegal to have your driver’s license ID be a derivative of your SSN. That was a thing that happened though.

                  But I can’t tell if you’re pointing this out to strengthen my stance, or weaken it. It’s still something that gets scanned to get into a bar or buy alcohol, and that’s effectively the public, right?

              • @SoggyBread
                12 years ago

                You may be right, in person, you could probably figure most of that stuff out at a glance, but at the same time they dont also have access t one of my internet handles and access to my likes and dislikes. Well i defintely wouldnt want any of them to be associated with my twitter account

                • @joe
                  02 years ago

                  I think this may be closer to the reality of the situation. It’s not so much that IDs are private, it’s that people want their Twitter (X?) account to be anonymous.

                  I get that. My username on Twitter was my real name so I kinda messed that up right away. I didn’t really use it though.

              • El Barto
                02 years ago

                Can you refuse to produce ID to law enforcement in the U.S. without probable cause? Yes? Then it’s private.

                You give your ID info to whomever you want, including the minimum wage worker. But you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

                • @joe
                  2 years ago

                  That’s not any working definition of private information I’ve ever seen.

                  We’re talking about privacy in the context of information security.

                  Edit: for context, I’m not questioning whether people must give their ID to Twitter.

          • @sab
            22 years ago

            Show, yes. Take a picture of, no.

            • @joe
              -12 years ago

              You don’t think there is a camera aimed at the register?

              • @sab
                32 years ago


                Not one capable of registering all the minute details of my ID, no.

                • @joe
                  2 years ago

                  How sure are you? If licenses were such valuable troves of information, surely one person would have thought of a small hidden camera, right?

      • El Barto
        62 years ago

        It depends on the country.

        Source: lived in two countries, one of which a person’s ID number can be publicly disclosed.

        • @joe
          12 years ago

          Can you elaborate? What makes an ID number unable to be disclosed? What is the point of identification that you can’t show?

          • El Barto
            02 years ago

            I never said unable to be disclosed. Private as in, you control who you want to see it - as opposed to public, which means, anyone can see it whether you like it or not.

            • @joe
              12 years ago

              Oh. I was thinking private like a password.

              • El Barto
                02 years ago

                Got it. I don’t think you or I are inherently wrong. What you describe, I call it secret. Not private. A password is secret. Giving it to someone else, even for a quick pick, is compromising it.

                A driver’s license is private, but if you show it to someone else, your personal information is not necessarily compromised - or so we are led to believe.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    It’s optional and only intended towards Premium users, but concerning nonetheless. This ID-gathering is probably not even regulated in a lot of countries - I haven’t found any info on such regulation existing. And a migration is in fact happening - but it’s more of just people being less interested in the new ‘X’ form of Twitter with all of its restrictions. That part of the cake is distributed between platforms like Mastodon/*key, Threads, Bluesky and Tumblr, not to mention Facebook still being a thing too.

    • @Jat620DH27OP
      42 years ago

      That infamous Facebook? No thank you.

    • diprount_tomato
      2 years ago

      So you’re telling me people are going back to fucking Tumblr? Afaik the reason most migrated to twitter in the first place is still there

    • @[email protected]
      32 years ago

      I haven’t found any info on such regulation existing

      In Belgium, the RRN (SSN) is considered confidential data and its use is restricted to specific purposes, typically related to administrative, legal, or public interest matters. To ask for RRN, you’d need authorization and it’s highly unlikely you’d get it just to validate someone’s social media account.

  • 👁️👄👁️
    132 years ago

    So what are people paying $8/mo for then? Just a stupid emoji next to their name? (yes lol)

  • @[email protected]
    132 years ago

    These posts seem to always fail to mention that this only applies to accounts that want the verified tag. I’m just as uninterested in sending them a picture of my ID as the rest of you but it’s not the most unreasonable thing to ask when you want a blue checkmark which by definition means that you are who you claim to be. Or atleast that’s what it used to mean.

    • youthinkyouknowme
      42 years ago

      Honest question, wasn’t it like this if you wanted a check mark before the nut job took the company?

      • @[email protected]
        02 years ago

        Not 100% sure on that one but according to chatGPT - yes

        As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Twitter’s verification process typically required users to provide some form of government-issued photo identification (ID) to verify their identity. This was part of their efforts to ensure that verified accounts are authentic and belong to the individuals or organizations they claim to be.

  • solidsnake2085
    132 years ago

    Facebook did this to me like 10 years ago. I think someone reported my profile as fake, even though I created mine in 2006. They asked for a form of government ID to be sent to them, I did an MS paint line drawing of an ID card. They blocked my account for good with no way to even try again. I wasn’t going to send them anything anyways but I thought it was hilarious that they actually wanted me to do that.

  • @Fades
    92 years ago

    Because personal information = money, they can sell your data and they can also target you better with different ads to try and generate more clickable ads for you

    • diprount_tomato
      42 years ago

      Nah I’m just gonna use a papers please passport

  • @_pete_
    82 years ago

    The best time to leave Twitter was when Elon took over, the second best time is right now.

    I think would be a step too far for most