Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on the new skill coming.

  • Dark Arc
    32 years ago

    I’m really excited for it actually! It seems like something that really has the potential to introduce some group play that’s not just end game bossing content (and that’s something OSRS and RS3 could use more of)

  • NotNotMike
    110 months ago

    I know it’s an old thread but…

    No, not really. I’m a pretty casual player and there’s a ton of stuff in this game I still haven’t done and may never do. For example, I did my first ever gauntlet run yesterday and I’ve been playing for years. So, the idea of an entire new skill just doesn’t appeal to me; it’s more incoming work that I’ll need to focus on at some point.

    I also don’t love the idea of adding a new skill in general. There are a half dozen of skills that I would much prefer be overhauled instead, like Firemaking and Smithing, without messing up the iconic skill screen.