After the last 2 update I noticed that a lot of times fennec and mull just hangs or freezes when opening a website and needs to be force closed with cache cleared. I disabled dark reader and so far the issue hasn’t happened. Is this just in my case or are others also experiencing it as well? Edit: I also have ublock origin if that matters
Yeah there is something about dark reader causing crashes on the divestos news as well
Ah got it thanks for the info. Thought I did something wrong haha
Not having issues in IceRaven but have had for a while in Mull. Also some sites don’t work with DR in Mull, including duckduckgo. Dunno what’s up.
Yeah I had to change the mode to filter and made the theme specifically for duckduckgo only. Not the best but it works
I’ve been having the same problem! I’m also using Mull with uBlock Origin and Dark Reader installed. Clearing the cache may be unnecessary though – I’ve only had to force stop it to get it working again. I’m going to try turning off Dark Reader for a while to see if it’s been causing this incredibly annoying issue (my eyes will hate me for this though).
I had this problem on a certain website and other bugs on others. Very rare, but it happens. On desktop as well
Dark Reader is just too heavy for what it does. I use and it does all that I need.
unfortunately dark reader makes Firefox too slow let’s use stylus or
Arent extensions limited to a few on mobile? How would you go about adding it on?