There’s so many I’ve played but I often come back to:

Infra Arcana, Battle of Wesnoth, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (and it’s variants: Bright Nights, There Is Still Hope).

  • @ace_garp
    21 year ago

    Shattered Pixel Dungeon, sgt-puzzles and Cube2:Sauerbraten

  • @AMDmi3
    21 year ago

    xmoto, freeorion, endless sky, wyrmsun, Sgt puzzles, minetest, devilutionx, supertuxkart

  • @asuratva
    21 year ago

    I like FreeOrion, Battle for Wesnoth and 0ad for playing offline. For playing online, I enjoy Ryzom, The Mana World, Stendhal and Daimonin.

  • Quit_this_instance
    11 year ago

    Cataclysm dda is my main one but I also love Wesnoth. I also can’t resist dumping a few hours into frozen bubble every few years