Those characters aren’t from Star Wars. They are from Stargate. Easy to see how you might confuse them.
hell yea i fuckin LOVE babylon 5
How do Reavers clean their spears? They run them through the wash.
Too soon
This will never not be too soon :(
Never knew I needed Kaylee in a Star Trek mini dress, but here we are.
Omg. Hitting multiple fan bases at once
So nice to finally see some Babylon 5 memes here.
May the 5th be with you!
deleted by creator
I work in IT and this will be a fun background for our next meeting. Mwahahahaha!
Some people just want to watch conference room d burn…
Please add the battlestar galactica in the background
All it needs is their ship, Moya, in the background!
Why do they need a ship? They’ve got that telephone booth thing and sand worms to get around on.
Doctor! Doctor! The sleeper has awakened!
It’s not lupus.
Is this a motherfucking Stargate SG1 reference?!
Indeed. It appears to be Atlantis
This caused my brain to pass gas.
I love Andromeda, but it kinda dropped off after the 1st season.
Okay I am very confused… where are these characters from? Sorry for my ignorance.
There from firefly a short lived scifi series from fox it ran for less than 1 season and had one box office film called serenity it is considered to be among the best scifi shows ever made
Such a waste. Could have had so much more…
True so many great scfi shows die before there time
Dark Matter deserved a fourth season!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen dark matter
As I would say when introducing someone to Firefly, “You’re welcome and I’m sorry.”
I’m a leaf on the wind
While I know they’re past the point of it being feasible to reboot, it always surprised me that they didn’t at least try to go the Star Trek approach of just starting a new show with a new cast in the same universe.
Maybe they could do an animated film the new b5 film was pretty good
Firefly, if you’ve never seen I am envious, as you get to watch it for the first time