Does such an application even exist?
It would show a screen lock before letting you interact with the application AND is open source.
Android work profiles will do this for you.
Set a factor to unlock your work profile and you will have to “unlock” each time you open a work app.
Look at fdroids shelter
This is more secure than the feature some launchers provide, since that can be bypassed by launching apps through the settings app
It would ironically probably make the app blocker harder to get past if it is open source, so it would be more effective than these commercial solutions.
Doesn’t work anymore, sadly.
Even with the root mode
It defintely works as I’m using it with Android 12. Try with EdXposed or LSPosed modules.
I don’t wanna install Xposed just for one application. Is LSPosed any different?
When I install It in non-xposed method it asks for accessibility settings, but the system won’t allow me to activate it:
LSPosed is updated framework of Xposed with the same functionality.
Restricted accesibility settings is Android 13 security feature. You can bypass it on app-by-app basis if you want with the guide here or consider using LSPosed.
The guide mentions the three dots top right.
But on lineage they aren’t there:
Not familiar with Lineage ROM, sorry. I would ask about it on XDA
It’s allright, you have helped a lot. I just wish there was a less fucky solution
This is adjacent to what you’re asking about, but check out TrackerControl.
TrackerControl can do this? Afaik it just blocks trackers and/or ads in apps.
Hence it being adjacent. It blocks trackers, ads, and other network calls on a granular level but does not actually block apps.