Credit to reddit user sdemat

Text from this reddit thread.

All this talk about Mike Turner and his financial disclosures, and purposefully stonewalling.

I was googling contact information for all these Reps and came across a news article from February saying that Turner visited the Air Force Research Lab, specifically the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate. This occurred on 13Feb2023.

Also slightly ironic that the February shootdowns occurred between 04Feb and 12Feb2023.

Granted all of this could be just a giant goddamn coincidence, as other Reps visited WPAFB as well this year, but with all his stonewalling, the contributions from Defense contractors, etc. This just stinks - immensely and only adds more credibility, in my opinion that something is there.

It’s up to the community to spread more awareness of this and Turner’s self interest in the DoD. Write to your senators and reps, blow up their lines.

Write a detailed, thought out, snail mail letter - it provides alot more weight than an email or phone call.

Also call the media and submit “tips” to spaces like the Hill or News Nation to investigate this crap.

With enough pushback, we’ll get there. I think.

  • @SignullGoneOPM
    31 year ago

    The timing may very well be coincidental, but it’s hard to say for certain. Given that he represents the district of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and considering his donor list coupled with his apparent stonewalling, it does raise questions and concerns. The whole situation doesn’t sit well with me.