• music
    22 years ago

    Next in the series of what the UK names bugs… These are commonly called woodlice where I live, but I also found out in other areas in the UK they go by the name cheesy bugs, cheesy bobs, cheeselogs, chiggy pig, chucky pig, or chuggy peg; and daddy grampher, crawley baker, or granny grey.

  • @fubo
    22 years ago

    Beware: the true isopod pillbug should not be confused with the astonishingly similar pill millipede! The pill millipede is (obviously) a millipede, not a crustacean at all! However, it not only looks like one — it eats the same stuff, namely decaying plant matter.

    (Most millipedes eat decaying plant matter. Most centipedes, though, eat insects, worms, and such — although there’s a giant one in Brazil that goes for mice and smallish birds. Eep.)