The Biden administration is urging U.S. citizens in Belarus to depart the country immediately and warned against travel there in a statement published Monday.

The updated travel warning comes after bordering countries Lithuania, Latvia and Poland have stepped up security along the border over concerns about Russian Wagner mercenary forces exiled in the country.

The State Department, in its warning, encouraged Americans still in Belarus to depart the country immediately and categorized the country as a Level 4 risk, the highest security warning.

  • @[email protected]
    1212 years ago

    Didn’t one of the Proud Boys run there rather than face prison for Jan 6? Looks like a big oops.

    • Echo Dot
      382 years ago

      Seems like there are better places without extradition treaties. Warmer and more tropical places. The hell they go to Belarus for?

      • @[email protected]
        232 years ago

        Good luck getting to stay in most of those places. They’re happy to have tourists, not residents. Unless you have a lot of money to open a business. Proud little boys don’t strike me as wealthy.

        • @[email protected]
          102 years ago

          What are the chances the Proud Boy will even make an attempt to learn Belarusian? My prediction is close to 0%. Probably would expect others to learn English instead.

          • @dynamojoe
            32 years ago

            What are the chances the Proud Boy will even make an attempt to learn Belarusian?

            If he pretends it’s German, maybe.

      • @nutsack
        2 years ago

        tropical climates suck i would rather eat shit

      • @baked_tea
        92 years ago

        How do you fuck up a life like this I can’t comprehend

        • @[email protected]
          302 years ago

          Part 1 : Start off stupid

          Life is hard. It’s even harder when you’re dumb.

          Part 2: Believe Donald Trump.

          Let simmer over a low heat of Fawx News and Russian troll farms for 4 years.

          Serve over a plate of insurrection and garnish with an escape to a hostile puppet state.

          Perfect recipe for a life fucked up.

  • qevlarr
    572 years ago

    Why not earlier? Wtf

    • @SupraMario
      252 years ago

      That’s what I was thinking…anyone still there probably is in support of the war.

      • snooggums
        312 years ago

        They could be visiting family before the whole thing goes to shit.

        • @SupraMario
          122 years ago

          Sure but even then, you’ve got a target on your back being there as a US citizen. I’d want my family to be safe so I’d leave, it’ll be less likely that anti NATO groups find out about your family if you’re not there.

          • snooggums
            102 years ago

            I am just pointing out that there are other reasons to be there at this point in time that just support of the war.

            • @SupraMario
              12 years ago

              Very true, some just want to stay, I know a lot of Belarusian’s hate lukashinko and putin so they stay for their country. Hopefully the time comes when they can take it back just as Ukraine has been doing.

          • @AbidanYre
            -32 years ago

            Or, tell them to come visit you instead.

              • @SupraMario
                02 years ago

                Yeah that’s a big issue. Hell even some of the EU countries have issues getting visitor visas for the USA. I’ve got UA and PL family and both prior to the war had really really tough times just to be able to come visit.

            • @SupraMario
              22 years ago

              No clue why you’re being shot down for this but you’re right, if you have Belarusian family and they’re not pro-putin then I’d try my hardest to get them over here.

    • Buelldozer
      2 years ago

      There’s always journalists, business people, tourists, and visiting family knocking around in these kinds of situations. This is the US Embassy officially warning those folks that they are in danger and that the US will have limited recourse if they find themselves in trouble.

      • qevlarr
        2 years ago

        I know but I assumed they already were in danger

    • Hank
      12 years ago

      Maybe it’s meant to mainly fuck with Russian intelligence? Don’t forget that we’re practically at war with them.

  • @Raiderkev
    422 years ago

    Where will Steven Segall go?

  • @Snapz
    382 years ago

    I hope they have a verbally delivered version of this message interrupting tv shows - the majority of Americans in the country are conservatives doing fascism tours and they can’t read.

    • Overzeetop
      232 years ago

      Just as long as we (the US) can write them off as a lost cause / FAFO fodder when things go south. I don’t want my tax dollars trying to rescue any people stupid enough to decide Belarus was a viable tourism or lifestyle destination following the stationing of Russian nukes and harboring of Wagner/Prigoshen within their borders.

    • @FiskFisk33
      232 years ago

      I mean, they wouldn’t wanna be standing with their pants down

    • Buelldozer
      232 years ago

      They’d be stupid if they weren’t. There’s a hot war involving a global / regional power happening on their border and the best way to keep it on the other side is to be prepared to repel any and all boarders.

    • @blue_zephyr
      2 years ago

      That would be the most stupid military decision since the most recent Ukraine invasion.

      • hypelightfly
        52 years ago

        Not doing so would be.

        To be clear we’re talking about preparing for war, not starting one.

      • @Fosheze
        42 years ago

        I mean, Putler is known for making stupid military decisions so…

    • @Pat12
      22 years ago

      which videos?

    • Simple Jack
      -22 years ago

      Umm…I hate to be the one to break it to you: see, there is this country called Ukraine. Small place. Next to Poland. Also next to Russia. Ukraine and Russia are currently, how should I put it…they are having a MASSIVE FUCKING WAR rn. So their neighbors are preparing for the inevitability it will spill over into Europe and Middle East.

  • @Veneroso
    102 years ago

    Hmm I wonder if it’s too late to go to North Korea instead?

  • @qwertyWarlord
    12 years ago

    Ain’t nobody going to do shit. Always good to prepare though

  • Flying Squid
    -372 years ago

    They also have nukes. This is fucking terrifying.

    • @blue_zephyr
      2 years ago

      I have nuke fatigue. I can’t be bothered to be afraid of them. Go ahead and throw them, whoever was brazen enough to do so will have their country wiped from the face of the earth faster than you can say “Enola Gay”. There’s no one self-destructive enough to seriously consider pushing that button.

      And even if there was, it’s not like I’m going to change their mind. Just sit back and enjoy the mushroom clouds.

      • Buelldozer
        172 years ago

        I have nuke fatigue. I can’t be bothered to be afraid of them.

        Me as a GenX looking over at you… “First time?”

        • @Isthisreddit
          52 years ago

          Boomers got you beat for sure, anyone that lived through the cold war.

          I also suspect many people don’t truly appreciate just how devastating a nuke is - in the sense that hearing “blah blah destruction, mushroom cloud” a hundred times over seems to numb people to the concept. I did a deep dive into nuclear blast videos some time ago, just watching how destructive they are really made me realize I was one of these people who knew, but didn’t really “know”

          • BOMBS
            32 years ago

            i did a 2-3 week-long dive into nukes. if one is dropped on my city, i want to be at ground zero. very few people understand how devastating they are and no country on Earth is prepared for the ensuing crisis.

          • Buelldozer
            2 years ago

            I also suspect many people don’t truly appreciate just how devastating a nuke is

            I spent more than 20 years living with the Cold War. I grew up next to Strategic Air Command, did the C.A.P. thing in the '80s, then did further NBC training as I got older. I’ve been on bases and in bunkers all over the place, including the one that Bush Jr hunkered in on 9/11. (Although not the Presidential Level.)

            What I learned is that they have immense destruction of their immediate area. Depending on event factors though it’s quite possible to survive one going off in the next town over. The mega-bitch is the societal collapse that follows a nuclear exchange; most people will die from lack of food, water, necessary medications and diseases that were previously preventable.

            Peons like us don’t get a choice in whether it happens or not, so there’s no point in worrying about it.

      • @Philolurker
        132 years ago

        “How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb.”

        • @Aliendelarge
          2 years ago

          Well, now I’m worried about the mineshaft gap.

      • @thelongshot93
        62 years ago

        I hate that this is where I’m at in life too. Hell, at least the mushroom cloud would be a quick death if you’re close enough! Better than dying in the Water Wars or Mother Nature saying we fucked up.

    • @SaakoPaahtaa
      -322 years ago

      Stop with the goddamn nuke psychosis. rusian nukes aint worth shit. Be more scared of meteorites hitting the earth or dinosaur comeback but not rusian meme weapons

        • Chaotic Entropy
          2 years ago

          America knows that Russian nuclear silos are in as poor a state as American nuclear silos, if not worse. Like in the US where only one wrench is shared between multiple silos and they ship it back and forth. Working in a silo is a dead end gig.

          The problem with weapons you never intend to use is that you stop giving a shit about their maintenance, or just steal their budget for something else/yourself. Sub launched nukes are the real threat at this stage, of which there are far fewer.

          As an example:

          • @Fosheze
            22 years ago

            Isn’t most of the US nuclear arsenal on subs? I mean we have 14 SSBN Ohio class subs each of which has 20 Trident II missiles each of which can have up to 12 100kt warheads. Thats up to potentially 3,360 100kt nuclear warheads ready to be lauched at a moments notice. If that isn’t enough to get the job done then I don’t think a few silos are going to make much of a difference.

            • Chaotic Entropy
              2 years ago

              Those have been in service for 30-40 years apiece at this stage, and only a portion of those will be at sea at any given time. Still a terrifying amount of destructive power to be sure though, for whatever “the job” turns out to be in the end.

              Silos are still deemed a critical part of the nuclear triad, along with air and sea.

            • BOMBS
              12 years ago

              the US has 400 nuclear missile silos

        • @SkyezOpen
          -12 years ago

          It takes more than putin himself to launch a nuke, and I’m pretty sure at leat one of those people isn’t suicidal. Russia would stop existing in hours.

        • @SaakoPaahtaa
          -202 years ago

          Ru*sian weaponry works is the most delusional tankie take.

      • Flying Squid
        162 years ago

        Do you really think it’s worth taking that risk if it comes down to it?

        • @SkyezOpen
          102 years ago

          That’s the point of MAD. If they launch nukes, they get nuked back 10 times harder. Even in their best case scenario, Russia and Belarus become radioactive holes in the ground. Worst case for everyone, they kill the whole world with them. We can’t let a rogue nuclear power do whatever they want because they have nukes. That’s why we have nukes too. Like 90% of the “muh escalation” people are Russia shills.

          • Flying Squid
            02 years ago

            I never even suggested we let them do whatever we want. That doesn’t mean we provoke them into using their nukes.

            • Helldiver_M
              2 years ago

              I never even suggested we let them do whatever we want.

              That doesn’t mean we provoke them into using their nukes.

              Using that logic they can do whatever they want, as long as they back up their ‘want’ with nukes.

              I think there are things we should never let them do, even under threat of nukes. Muscovy needs hard red lines, else they’d just annex everything. Got to call their nuke bluff from time to time.

              • golamas1999
                -82 years ago

                Call for diplomacy. It can be both that the Russians illegally invaded Ukraine to rebuild the former Empire. It can also be that the US is in this to make profit for the military industrial complex and to sell natural gas to Western Europe to expand the empire.

                After the fall of the Soviet Union the US made treaties with Russia that stated NATO will not pass reunified Germany. Now NATO is on Russia’s border. We store nukes several hindered miles from Moscow. Imagine how the US would react with Russian nukes on this side of the world. Say 90 miles off the coast of Florida.

                The Cold War is over. NATO should be gone.

                I am not a Russian apologist or a tankie. I am pro peace. I am a U.S. citizen. I love my country. I believe we should not be a nation above nations but rather a nation among nations. Just remember the people in the media talking about freedom are the same fuckers who got US into Iraq and Afghanistan. Lindsey Graham put it best.

                “I like the path we’re on. With American weapons and money, Ukraine will fight Russia to the last Ukrainian.”

                • Buelldozer
                  2 years ago

                  Call for diplomacy.

                  The Europeans have been doing that since the fall of the USSR. It got more intense after 2014. It doesn’t work with Putin’s Russia.

                  the US made treaties with Russia that stated NATO will not pass reunified Germany.

                  I’d ask you to prove that but we both know that no such Treaty ever existed.

                  Imagine how the US would react with Russian nukes on this side of the world. Say 90 miles off the coast of Florida.

                  Happens all the time. Russian Nuclear Submarines on the East Coast, Russian Spy Ships hovering around Florida and Hawaii, and recently the Russians and Chinese started getting together to party off the coast of Alaska.

                  So it’s not a question, we KNOW what the modern day response is. The US keeps an eye on it but otherwise continues to go about its business.

                  The Cold War is over. NATO should be gone.

                  Yes, I imagine that President Putin would like that very much.

                  I am not a Russian apologist or a tankie.

                  Said while spouting regurgitated and endlessly disproved Pro-Russian talking points. We all want “peace” bub, but rolling over and showing your belly is a poor way to get it.

                  I am a U.S. citizen.

                  So am I, of direct Lithuanian & German descent. My people came here Post WWII after seeing what the Russians were like first hand. Your call for appeasement is of no interest to me Mr. Chamberlain.

                • @SkyezOpen
                  42 years ago

                  In 1997, NATO and Russia signed the Russia–NATO Founding Act, which stated that each country had a sovereign right to seek alliances.

                  Seems legit to me. Putin is just being a whiny bitch and only showing countries why they should join NATO. Let’s think about it. He invades Ukraine because he doesn’t want to share a border with a NATO country. He wins Ukraine. Ukraine shares a border with Poland, a NATO country. Now what? Invade Poland too? And do you actually think for a goddamn second a defensive alliance is going to invade Russia?

                  Not to mention his aggression literally caused 2 more countries to join NATO.

              • @[email protected]
                -142 years ago


                What year is it? Why do you libs do this shit where you think it’s clever using dumb names? Is that an ‘own’ or something?

                • @severien
                  2 years ago

                  Not sure if you want an actual answer, but the name “Russia” originally comes from “Kievan Rus”, and Kyiv is in … Ukraine. Renaming it to Muscovy (original name of the country) is then symbolically taking the name back.

        • @[email protected]
          62 years ago


          It’s suicide for them if they do. We know our nukes work.

          Rather not let nuclear dictators have free reign on the world because “OMG they may nuke us”. Otherwise give em the keys to the world right now and surrender.

          There’s an old American proverb: LIVE FREE OR DIE

          • Flying Squid
            -12 years ago

            I never suggested he have free reign.

        • @Noodle07
          12 years ago

          It’s a gamble I’d rather not take personally

        • @SaakoPaahtaa
          -72 years ago

          It’d be fucking funny doe. And would definitely beat getting subjected to these shitpeople

          • Echo Dot
            2 years ago

            You don’t have a very good grasp of reality do you.

            There’s two possible outcomes here and neither of them are enslavement at the hands of the Russians. How are they going to do that, they can’t invade a country one 10th the size of the United States what are they going to do? But what they might do is launch missiles, nuclear or otherwise, in fit of peak.

            So the two outcomes are, they either do nothing, or they nuke us. There’s no scenario where they’re going to invade.

            • @blue_zephyr
              02 years ago

              Ofcourse there is such a scenario. We wouldn’t nuke them for a mundane evasion. We would, however, invoke article 5 and violently beat into their inferior military until they beg for mercy.

      • @30mag
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

      • @OwlPaste
        42 years ago

        If their weapons did not work at all, Ukraine would have retaken all their territory including Crimea last year. Given that at least some of their weapons work enough to only let small advances through, its pretty silly to rely on weapons capable of wiping out a city to fail or be intercepted given that, while Ukraine does intercept some russian missiles, unfortunately not all get intercepted before they hit their intended target. And that is already using some Western tech to achieve that.

        • @SaakoPaahtaa
          -12 years ago

          Oh the mosin nagants work just fine but I wouldn’t bet much on any rus*ian tech past the sixties.

          Rus*ian nukes are just for show and yall are slurping it up

          • golamas1999
            22 years ago

            No one wins a nuclear war. We have 5000 and they have 7000. After the first one is dropped consider then end of humanity as we know it.

            Every nuclear treaty between Russia and the U.S. has expired or is set to expire in a few years without renewal.

            End of story.