• @Kbobabob
    1141 year ago

    Republicans don’t really want a functioning government. They just want something they can control.

    • @Hazdaz
      151 year ago

      Totally agree, and yet once Trump is finally dead and gone, roughly 1/2 of the voters in this country will shockingly be willing to give the next leader of the GOP another shot at driving us into the ground. Even many of those who admit to hating Trump, somehow are willing to clean the slate with some other future Republican candidate.

      That’s one of the most infuriating things that I have seen over the years.

      It doesn’t matter how badly one Republican politician screws up. It doesn’t matter how many times it happens or how many others are involved and helped along the way, the party as a whole never gets tainted by their corruption and incompetence. This is the single biggest failure of the Democratic party that they can’t taint the corruption of Trump onto ALL other Republicans. They couldn’t do that with George W a generation ago. They couldn’t do that with Reagan some 40 years ago, and they couldn’t do that with Nixon some 60 years ago.

      On the flip side, if Pelosi did one stupid gaffe, every Democrat since the beginning of time would be painted with the same wide brush. Most elected Dems are fairly moderate, and yet you have one left-wing Democrat saying some rather extreme stuff and somehow the entire DNC is labeled as being socialist or communist or some other extreme position that is simply not true. A long time ago, Republicans poisoned the well that is the term “liberal” so these days all a Republican needs to do is say that one word and his Democratic opponent will lose votes no matter how moderate that person might be.

      • whatupwiththat
        111 year ago

        Really sad the GOP has the better “Brand” when in reality they’re just Nazi’s

        • @Hazdaz
          51 year ago

          That’s exactly it. Their Branding is impeccable.

          What is annoying as all hell is that Democrats like to portray themselves as the younger, hip party and young people love to pretend that they are savvy when it comes to marketing. So if they are so savvy with marketing, then why the hell is Democratic branding so damn bad?? Why are moderates and liberals so clueless when it comes to connecting with voters? That’s all part of being a savvy brand. And yet the old and stodgy GOP outmaneuvers them constantly when it comes to image.

          • @PoopingCough
            81 year ago

            It’s harder to market to smart people than dumb people

            • @Jackolantern
              11 year ago

              I don’t know. If the people are smart then they would know who to vote for right?

            • @Hazdaz
              11 year ago

              Harder? Maybe, but definitely not impossible. Not even close. There are a lot of smart people that have fallen for this clown. That’s what charisma and propaganda and one’s environment can do to someone. It is powerful and scary stuff.

          • bill
            1 year ago

            Democrats like to portray the Party as progressive, but progressivism is really just window dressing for the Democratic party. They like that progressive ideas get them followers, and sometimes a few progressives get elected (often opposed by their own party), but in general the party is Center Right with some moderate trappings.

            Which is why it is so ineffective. This is by design.

        • TwoGems
          21 year ago

          Because our population is too stupid

  • @Md1501
    411 year ago

    So if you do anything to avert a disaster of a shutdown we will try to remove you. The concessions they are asking for are crazy.

  • StarServal
    401 year ago

    Sounds like a public admission that it’s against the GOP’s policy to work with Democrats.

    • Buelldozer
      101 year ago

      It’s not against the GOPs rules, quite a bit of bi-partisan legislation has passed since Biden took office, but it is against the “Freedom Caucus” rules.

      • StarServal
        31 year ago

        quite a bit of bi-partisan legislation has passed since Biden took office

        Thank you for this. It’s good to get a bit of grounding when getting lost in the hyperbole.

    • @[email protected]
      171 year ago

      In July 2023, Jackson was briefly detained by law enforcement in White Deer, Texas during a rodeo. Video of the incident showed that Jackson was attempting to assist a teenager suffering from a seizure. After being asked by a trooper to step back to allow paramedics to take over, Jackson shouted profanities at him. Jackson lunged at the trooper and was physically held back by bystanders. After Jackson pushed past officers who positioned themselves between him and the trooper, he was taken down and handcuffed. Jackson was soon uncuffed and said that he would call the governor. Jackson later spoke to Carson County Sheriff Tam Terry, with Terry reporting that Jackson demanded consequences for the deputies who handcuffed him and threatened to go after Terry politically.

      • @Caradoc879
        21 year ago

        What a fucking dumbass. Let me refuse to move for emergency responders and then attack a cop.

  • @Catma
    131 year ago

    This is a bunch of hot air at best I think. They floated the idea of removing him after the deal he made earlier this year around the debt ceiling. And keep floating it every time they get upset he isnt following the most insane part of the party. The thing is, if they had the votes for a different speaker they would have removed McCarthy already. They dont, they probably dont have enough votes to even remove him, i believe you need a majority to actually remove him. So this just seems like more talk with no ability to do anything.

    • @dynamojoe
      21 year ago

      I agree. McCarthy knows that his own election to the post was such a shitshow that the GOP does not want to go through that drama publicly again. Going through with their threat is lose/lose and McCarthy knows it.

  • @CADmonkey
    1 year ago

    Do it, I want more pictures of AOC wearing a shit eating grin watching them vote over and over.

  • @NatakuNox
    1 year ago

    These people. Seriously. They agreed to the deal months ago, only to go back on the deal a month before the deal is to go into effect. It’s almost as if working with Republicans on anything is useless… Biden didn’t have to agree with them on anything. He could have instructed the treasurery department to ignore congress and continue to pay bills. But no, fool me 40 times shame on you I guess.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    The thing is, the threat doesn’t actually work against moderate actions. If the Democrats get a deal done, they can promise to vote to keep McCarthy as part of the deal.

    With all Democrats and McCarthy they would only need his 5 most loyal allies to vote to keep him, and obviously in reality at least 100 House members agree with McCarthy more than the Freedom Caucus fringe.

    • @dhork
      1 year ago

      Remember last January? If there’s no Speaker, the only thing the House can do is vote for a Speaker. If the vote fails to gain a majority, they do it again.

      • @CADmonkey
        71 year ago

        There was a photo from that mess that made my day, where AOC is in the background and has the biggest grin, just watching them eat each other.

      • @DoomBot5
        1 year ago

        So business as usual.

    • @Nightwingdragon
      11 year ago

      Nothing. Literally nothing.

      Business in the House of Reps cannot take place without a speaker. Their one and only function would be to hold votes until they get a new speaker. Whether that takes hours or months doesn’t matter. The only thing they can do is hold votes until a speaker is elected.