• @moog
    421 year ago

    Bruh those people mustve been so annoyed by that drone lol

  • @[email protected]
    221 year ago

    “The owner of the cable car company in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province was later arrested by police on multiple charges including negligence and endangering valuable lives.”

    … Are some some lives that aren’t valuable?

    • @Astroturfed
      81 year ago

      From my knowledge of Pakistan, women or anyone not ethnically Pakistani. They would not be valuable lives.

      • SiyahGuraag
        41 year ago

        WOW, Your Ignorance and Discrimination amazes me. I myself am a Pakistani, and I have no love for it. But what you say is wrong. You’re saying No Woman’s life is valued in Pakistan? How can that even be possible? and it’s a bad place for women to be, there are definitely better places. It, however, is not as Black and White as your comment makes it out to be. It’s not like some barbarian country where Woman are raped, and Killed everyday, on the streets or something. I would also request you to educate yourself that Pakistani is not an ethnicity, it’s a nationality. Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashtun, and Baloch are some of the ethnicities found in Pakistan. So, you read one Negative News Headline, you’ve just made up your mind that Pakistan is full of savages and barbarians. Dear, sir, Please educate yourself, and don’t be so discriminationatory.

        • @Astroturfed
          -41 year ago

          So upset that I don’t love your xenophobic Islam based country…

          • SiyahGuraag
            1 year ago

            I have not met one person here that was Xenophobic towards foreigners. You seem to be Xenophobic, dude. You have this discriminationatory and a wrong image of a country and you don’t want to admit that you’re wrong. I also want to admit that I have no love for Pakistan, I hate Pakistan, because I know it’s rulers’ evil doings and corruption. You seem to think that every common person living in Pakistan is a Barbarian, and hates women. Please, educate yourself. Why the FUCK would I be upset? Fuck Pakistan, there I said it. I care not one bit for Pakistan as a country. I just don’t want people on Lemmy to have a negative image of a country without knowing anything about it.

            • @Astroturfed
              -21 year ago

              So, you admit it’s horrible and are mad because other people know that? Weird opinion.

              • SiyahGuraag
                21 year ago

                You’re a hateful person, Sir. Please seek help. No one hates women here. The average Pakistani, whether or not Literate, doesn’t hate women and values their lives. Islam has nothing to do with this. I know in what aspects it is horrible. You think we’re savages, don’t you? You’re a hateful person, and it is hurting my brain to know that people like you exist. Funny how you think we’re Xenophobic, yet you think we’re savages. WOW, Seek Help and Education.

                • @Astroturfed
                  -31 year ago

                  So sorry I rustled your jimmies with reality.

  • MrSangrief
    111 year ago

    Looking at the overall state of the thing…I think they knew they were rolling the dice hoping for a non-critical failure role.

    • livus
      231 year ago

      Got to feel sorry for them though. At the moment their choices are shitty cable car or don’t get an education.

      • MrSangrief
        21 year ago

        Indeed. Let’s at least hope this incident releases some funds for a proper connection so the choice is easier.

        • livus
          1 year ago

          Yes, I hope so.

          So far the person who owns the cable car has been arrested, not sure how that is going to help.

    • @2Xtreme21OP
      71 year ago

      Because the alternative is a 3 hour climb down into the valley and up another mountain to get to school.

      But yes, this was a death trap from the beginning. Hopefully they learned some lessons from this and get actually qualified people to build a new one.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I sincerely hope that for people who rely on these cable cars that this doesn’t merely bring attention to their issue, but funding and engineers to construct and operate reliable cable car services. I don’t know what the costs are, but I cannot imagine they are so expensive that this problem can be neglected any further for the people who endured this or others who have to put up with something similar.

  • @sir_pronoun
    41 year ago

    Misread perilous as “hilarious” first, and the first glance at the photo didn’t immediately dispell this.

    I’ll show myself out.