Let’s suppose that you didn’t know either technology and were offered the chance to work with one or the other. Time for you to get up to speed on the technology was built into the project.

Which technology would you work with and why? Which would have more options in the future?

Yes, this is a real life situation I’m confronting. I’m deep in a Java training course but a .Net opportunity has come my way. Do I toss Java/Spring Boot aside for .Net? Or do I continue with Java/Spring Boot and decline the .Net opportunity?

  • Admiral Patrick
    1 year ago


    As a sysadmin who has to deploy Spring applications and HATES configuring beans in XML, go with .NET.

    As a sysadmin who hates absolutely everything about the lifecycle of Windows Server, please release .NET builds that can run in Docker on a Linux host.


  • @breadsmasher
    11 year ago

    Having worked with both, . NET C# over Spring and Java.