Hi all! I am back from holidays and ready to share my totally underwhelming craft progress.

This photo was not taken today, alas, but it was taken on *a* Wednesday as we lay on sun loungers in the shade (as befits pale nerds) and I took the opportunity of a rare lull in the constant activities to get some knitting done.

I miss cruise life already 😭

(excuse the swollen ankle lol I do not do well in heat)

  • @weirdsquid
    1 year ago

    Yay, WIP Wednesday! Although it is already Thursday in my time zone. This pic was taken yesterday, but then I got distracted and didn’t post it.
    Anyway, here it is, my late-summer top. There has been some progress, and alas, I just joined my last ball of yarn. It looks like it’s gonna be a very cropped top, so I’d better start unravelling some swatches. (Did I lose a ball? Did I buy the wrong number? It’s a mystery…)