Since this seems to be the first post on Pics (I didn’t create the community, but there’s nobody here yet), I thought a bee would be quite a good first choice - feels like it fits the fediverse model quite well. Maybe not, who knows?

Anyway, here’s a bee in my garden :-)

  • @Katana314
    31 year ago

    Nice! I have a collection of winter photos of Boston to share, but I’m not up to date with simple image hosts - currently they’re on OneDrive, which I don’t think has easy embedding options.

    • SanguineParOP
      11 year ago

      Would love to see them. Never been to Boston, but it always looks great in pics. Will hopefully visit one day :-)

  • @Fog
    21 year ago

    Great picture! Thanks for sharing! Hopefully this community will build up to be what reddit was.

    • SanguineParOP
      21 year ago

      Yeah, hope so! And thank you :-)

  • Classy
    21 year ago

    Gorgeous photo! Looks like an eastern carpenter bee on perhaps a sow thistle?

    Time to get a good solid botanical society going on this platform.

    • SanguineParOP
      21 year ago

      Aw, thanks :-)

      Were deliberately letting thistles grow in our garden to try and encourage bees and other pollinators, and it seems to be working.

  • @j4k3
    21 year ago

    Congregations on the top pic of the year!

    • SanguineParOP
      21 year ago

      Ha, thank you - first photo anyway… ;-)