• gonzoleroy
    491 year ago

    Private Trump, you’re a disgusting fat-body. Your ass looks like about 215 pounds of chewed bubblegum, do you know that?

    • Che Banana
      1 year ago

      Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Holy Jesus! What is that? What the f*** is that? WHAT IS THAT, PRIVATE TRUMP?

      Private Gomer Trump: Sir, Top Secret Nuclear Documents, sir!

      Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Top Secret NuclearDocuments?

      Private Gomer Trump: Sir, yes, sir!

      Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: How did it get here?

      Private Gomer Trump: Sir, I took it from the White House, sir!

      Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Are Top Secret Nuclear Documents allowed in the barracks, Private Trump?

      Private Gomer Trump: Sir, no, sir!

      Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Are you allowed to have someone to read Top Secret Nuclear Documents to you , Private Trump?

      Private Gomer Trump: Sir, no, sir!

      Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: And why not, Private Trump?

      Private Gomer Trump: Sir, because I’m too heavy, sir!

      Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Because you are a disgusting fat body, Private Trump!

      Private Gomer Trump: Sir, yes, sir!

      Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Then why did you try to sneak Top Secret Nuclear Documents in your foot locker, Private Trump?

      Private Gomer Trump: Sir, because I was hungry, sir!

      Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Because you were hungry…

      Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Bonespur Trump has dishonored himself and dishonored his platoon. I have tried to help Private Trump. I have failed. I have failed because YOU have not given Private Trump the proper motivation! So, from now on, whenever Private Trump f***s up, I will not punish him! I will punish all of YOU! And the way I see it, ladies, you owe me for ONE TOP SECRET NUCLEAR DOCUMENT! NOW, GET DOWN ON YOUR FACES!

      aaaaaand scene

      • @CADmonkey
        61 year ago

        Yeah I’m 230 and 6ft and I look skinny next to that guy.

  • TigrisMorte
    371 year ago

    nah. The Kubrick stare has a smile. That is just an entitled pout on 45.

  • @[email protected]
    161 year ago

    Isn’t that basically what he pitches? To be angry at the system that has, in their minds and from their perspectives, been wronging them? Even though of course people like Trump are a tumour in the system.

  • Zeppo
    91 year ago

    The Eastman photo deserves an honorable mention…

  • ElephantInTheRoom
    81 year ago

    Oh come on. They don’t deserve to be in a row with this pouting pee-pee-face.

    They were misfits, deluded psychopaths and guys being tormented by their friends.

    The last one is just a grumpy old guy trying to look badass while realizing he farted a bit too hard in his diapers.

  • @Poppa_Mo
    61 year ago

    Should’ve put his ass in county.

  • @TurboNewbe
    31 year ago

    Not really because it doesn’t convey the same emotion.

  • @[email protected]
    -51 year ago

    Can we not make every single post on the front page something about liberals hating conservatives? This is one of the biggest reasons I left reddit. I really don’t care to see 1 single side hating the other every chance they fucking get. Why must politics invade every aspect of our lives???

    • xerazal
      21 year ago

      Because politics is a part of every aspect of our lives…?

      Politics dictates where roads are built, zoning laws for buildings, food safety laws, labor laws, how much funding goes towards education, etc.

      Sucks, but it’s true.

      Also not a liberal and find trump’s mugshot fucking hilarious. Looks like a sith lord, yet people think he’s a good guy.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Fair point, so where are all the posts bashing the shitty things Biden has done? He’s our current president, plenty of things to bash on yet some guy who hasn’t been president for years still has the spotlight on him.

        I get trump acts like a clown, and yeah I do agree his mugshot is pretty funny. Nonetheless, media is so unbearabley liberal, it’s insane. The political shit that makes it to the front page is almost always liberals bashing conservatives. I have to specifically go to a conservative community to get the other side.

        There’s no embracing opposing ideas now a days it seems… Maybe it’s always been like that and I’m just too young to know, idk…

        • xerazal
          21 year ago

          Probably don’t see as much conservative minded stuff because the majority of users here are not conservative. Just a thought.

          Acts like a clown? No, moreso acts like the kid at school that acted tough, lied about their accomplishments, and thought they could get away with anything because his mommy and daddy were rich. That’s why he gets dunked on a lot, because we all knew someone like that in elementary school. Trump just never grew out of it.

          Things have gotten more polarized, yea, but honestly looking back at older stuff it was inevitable. For years fox news and conservative media pushed this idea that if you weren’t republican, you were a commy aka not patriotic or American. I’d know, I grew up with a hyper conservative, O’Reilly loving, faux “news” gorging step father who believed that CNN stood for communist news network and that even the most conservative of Dems were secret USSR lovers. Not all conservatives are that bad, probably not even most, but the places they got their news from definitely pushed that narrative, polarizing them to a specific bias heavily. Conservative media for years has slowly been moving further rightward with it’s rhetoric both on social and economic issues, which is sad because honestly I can see that deep down there is a point to all of it even if I don’t fully agree, but that point has been lost.