The modlog page can break if anyone has been banned with an expiry too far into the future, I grabbed this query to fix it from the github issue a while back and refined it a little if it’s useful to anyone:

-- The modlog UI breaks for bans too far in the future
SELECT * FROM mod_ban WHERE expires > now() + INTERVAL '10 years';
-- Lets just make them permanent as an easy fix lol
UPDATE mod_ban SET expires = NULL WHERE expires > now() + INTERVAL '10 years';
-- See our changes
SELECT * FROM mod_ban WHERE expires > now() + INTERVAL '10 years';
-- replace ROLBACK; with COMMIT; if you're happy

This will make any ban with an expiry >10 years into the future permanent and fix your modlog. If this happens a lot it might be worth making this a trigger in your lemmy db.

  • @PriorProject
    12 years ago

    Is there an issue for this in the GitHub project? It sounds like you’ve done the hard work of diagnosing the issue and an upstream fix seems likely a modest effort given this info.