I’m terrible at self promotion. In fact, it has been a detriment to my human so far. Here is a shameful plug of a story I’m trying to write, true events, about addiction, criminal justice in America, human relationship, and the soul. I don’t have any platform but this, I don’t even want any platform, I just want to collect my thoughts, and perhaps in the process, you’ll find it interesting… maybe you can leave your own story there, for posterity. <3

part 1

part 2

Part 1 is mostly a bit of set up, but I think it’s necessary to understand the context and character of the author (me!)

  • @SameOldJorts
    22 years ago

    You write your emotions at the time in a really compelling and thoughtful way. I enjoyed this a lot.

    • @MiddleWeighOP
      22 years ago

      That means a whole lot to me. I don’t have too much to show for my life, besides what I’ve been through. That, along with your comment, might just be enough for me. (: