Starting today, I noticed some of my comments and posts aren’t being visible to me when I am logged in. According to the RSS feed, logging out and checking it through an incognito tab, the posts are successfully posted on the instance and others’, however.

Take this post for example:

Here you can see I am able to view my post:

But when looking at my profile, said post is not visible:

Same applies to several recent comments I have made. Am I missing something, or is there something wrong with the instance at the moment? When logging off, I can see the post just fine on my own profile:

This is also the case when using the Android client (Jerboa), and when trying to hard-refresh pages etc.

  • @PriorProject
    11 year ago

    I don’t have an answer for you but some data that might help your debugging:

    • I’m still learning, but I’m not aware of anything you can do as a regular user to hide/lose posts on your profile.
    • I’ve been actively tracking new user questions in popular Lemmy support communities and I can say this is not a common report over the last week. You’re not stumbling on some frequent trap that new users hit. It’s weird.
    • If no one else chimes in with advice, I’d consider talking to you admin. Is there a meta community local to your server? Or your server’s admin(s) should be listed on the sidebar of its homepage. You could at-mention them to ask if they have seen any errors from Lemmy or Postgres.
    • TopHatOP
      11 year ago

      Thanks for responding either way. I asked the owner personally (off-platform) if he has noticed anything. And he says that the logs are just a gigantic mess with millions of lines. Only errors (as WARN messages) noticed by him, are like the following:

      lemmy_1     |    0: lemmy_apub::activities::community::announce::receive
      lemmy_1     |              at crates/apub/src/activities/community/
      lemmy_1     |    1: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request
      lemmy_1     |            with http.method=POST http.scheme="https" otel.kind="server" request_id=<REDACTED> ttp.status_code=400 otel.status_code="OK"
      lemmy_1     |              at src/
      lemmy_1     | LemmyError { message: Some("Cant receive page"), inner: Cant receive page, context: "SpanTrace" }```
      The errors are very unclear, only saying it didn't receive the page while not mentioning where it came from etc, making it very hard to debug on our end.
      • @PriorProject
        1 year ago

        I responded to cameron with a meatier comment, but I’m at the limit of my knowledge and doubt I can do much more personally. But it does look to me like this is something cameron will have to sort out server-side, I don’t think there’s anything you can do about this as a user other than help them as best you can by testing or providing requested data.

    • Cameron
      1 year ago

      👋 I’m Cameron, the Admin of the instance in question.

      It’s a very odd situation, I’m entirely new to this whole Fediverse thing myself, but, trying my best!

      I noticed in my log, literally just after @[email protected] posted their comment, this popped up:

      I’m unsure as to exactly what this is referring to, as the comment was made from my instance, but it appears the instance believes it came from elsewhere?

      It’s very odd and I can’t really explain it I’m afraid.

      • @PriorProject
        11 year ago

        I’m beyond the limit of my knowledge and don’t think I can be any more help here.

        The one thing I do notice, is that the language of that error message seems to suggest that your own instance is regarding some of this traffic as invalid traffic from a federated peer? I’m zooming in on cannot accept local object from remote peer here, which makes it sound like your lemmy instance is misidentifying itself somehow. This makes me think about potential DNS mismatches, are you running lemmy and lemmy-ui in docker containers? Could lemmy-ui be identified by one name in configs, but reverse-resolve to a different name from within the lemmy docker container? I’m speculating wildly here and I’m not sure what I’d even do with the answers to these questions. Just thinking out loud.

        Maybe someone else who has actually admin’ed a lemmy instance will weigh in. There’s certainly a lot of useful data in this thread that might allow another lemmy admin who has seen this to chime in. You could also consider cross-posting to[email protected] for more visibility.

        • TopHatOP
          1 year ago

          Actually, your suggestion might indicate something important. The domain of the instance did change, with the old one giving 404’s to get it off the list. Although Cameron did check the configs and didn’t find anything wrong with them.

          @[email protected] Worth to cross-post to the admin channel, with the context of having switched over domains?

          • Cameron
            21 year ago

            Technically the domain of this instance didn’t change. This instance was setup from scratch, under

            However, a different instance did run under the same domain for a brief period of time, which was removed, and completely replaced by a brand new fresh instance.

            • @PriorProject
              11 year ago

              It is possible that nginx or some other http proxy is forwarding requests via some borked virtual host or url rewriting config, such that requests are arriving at Lemmy tagged with the old name?

              Perhaps the affected user could clear some browser caches as well to ensure there is nothing funky going on in their specific browser.