Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Holy hell, check this joint out. Just shout out if you want less US travel stuff in this Melbourne forum.
Bryce Canyon, Utah
Nah, I like it. This pic looks like it should be in a tourist brochure though.
The crazy thing is the photo doesn’t even begin to do it justice
Absolutely gorgeous.
Updoot for travel updates!
a small piece of belated black forest b’day cake has been nommed
aww, thank you, you didn’t have to 😊🤗
Happy belated Birthday. Good choice of cake too!
Thank you 😘
Happy birthday!
Happy b’day!
thanx 😘
Happy birthday. How small? And good choice. 👍
like 6 little cake fork mouthfuls
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Happy Birthday!
Happa bazza! I’m sure that’s how it’s said here. Good choice of cake
Happy birthday! 🎂
Happy birthday 🎂🎉
thank you 😘
Belated birthday wishes! 🎂
Thank you, 🤗
Yass! Did I not wish?
Happy Belated Birthday! 🎈
thank you 😘
Happy Birthday!!! 🎂
How late was the cake? Happy birthday Seagoon.
a few weeks
still black forest.
the best 👍
Last week was book week and I was invited to do some writing/book talks at three primary schools nearby and it went so awesomely well. I was nervous - as always, and really wasn’t in the mood for it - but the kids were so engaging and fun to talk too. They asked a lot of questions and really just made the whole thing worthwhile. I tried getting them involved by asking them questions about writing and they showed me some stories they were working on too.
I donated my books to their school library and apparently they’re all keen to borrow them. I also had the books sell out at the local store nearest them and I restocked them and it’s almost sold out again. It’s only 6 or 7 copies but it’s taken months to even sell that many at times so it was really cool and a surprise.
Whoa that’s bloody awesome dude!
Makes me want to get my butt into gear and finish mine (though it’s very much not child appropriate).
When I have days where I question myself or my writing, I think of how engaged the kids were and it really motivates me to keep going. Even if your book isn’t kid appropriate, finishing it is an achievement in itself and one step to being a published author. You got this.
I appreciate this, thank you! It is finished, it’s just needing A LOT of editing. So finished in that I don’t have to write more words, but not finished in that I have to edit and add more words.
The fun part. haha.
This is such a lovely thing to read! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for reading!
‘Oh my God’: live worm found in Australian woman’s brain in world-first discovery
“…the patient needed to be treated for other larvae that might have invaded other parts of her body, such as the liver.”
😱 😱 😱
That’s not something you’d read before bedtime…
Can confirm I had some very strange low quality sleep.
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When an earworm hits deep… too deep
Post it to [email protected]
and this is why we wash our hands and our food 😨😨😨
What the fuuuuuuuck. That’s amazing and terrifying and holy hell wow.
That’s a new fear unlocked.
That poor woman.
My kid’s been using a butter knife to cut cheese. I give up.
Mine was seriously using a cheese knife to spread butter on Sunday. But he’s only 4 so I’ll cut him some slack :D
Haha. Mistakes happen at that age but if it continues you need to rip it out of his tiny little hand.
Plus = That will help improve her fine motor strength
(And the cheese will still taste the same, right?!) 😬
Nope. As a parent I have failed.
Mine uses a large sharp knife out of the knife block to cut cake, so I’ve failed too lol
Condolences my friend
No utensil related outrage comes close, to me, as people using FORKS to eat RICE. SOMEONE EXPLAIN THE LOGIC OF IT TO ME WHEN SPOONS EXIST
I’ve got a Spork. Is that wrong?
Haha. It depends on how hungry or lazy I feel. 🤷♀️
Next thing people will use knives to eat soup. 15 or so years since I first moved here and it still irritates me. I will die on this hill
I eat my peas with honey I’ve done so all my life It makes the peas taste funny But it keeps them on the knife!
Rice on its own. There’s no excuse. Use a spoon. If it’s a side dish like with chicken kiev knife and fork.
Okay so this is the first I’m hearing of eating chicken kiev with rice. I would still use a fork and spoon, and a knife just to cut up the Kiev.
People eating rice and curry with a fork: what is wrong with you
I definitely use a spoon for that one.
I was at a place that sells Hainan Chicken rice and they give me, an East Asian, a knife and fork for it. I asked for spoon and chopsticks.
Definitely deserves one star taken off the review for such outright rudeness
I got a fork and spoon recently ordering Hainanese chicken in the CBD. Made me feel so clumsy eating.
we might have been to the same place
Sarawak kitchen?
What else are you supposed to use? A spoon?
A cheese knife or a sharp knife. Definitely not a spoon.
I honestly believe we’re heading into the next ‘millenium drought’.
I fondly remember showering with a bucket to keep shit in the garden alive when we were stage 4.
There are still people in my neighbourhood who have the “grey water in use” signs for their garden. But I don’t know if it’ll get that bad - we have the desalination plant now… just means things will likely more expensive (watch Bunnings run a cartel on buckets now hahah)
heh and “tank water in use”.
Your lawn is looking a little too green
I already use zero mains so can’t wait to explain at great depth the ridiculous rainwater capture and greywater filtering system I built…
God, that was a time wasn’t it - the constant articles about whether it was “Australian to dob a neighbour in”, the side-long glances people would get for clearly using rainwater while everyone else was taking 2-minute showers. Updates on how low the reserves are. Geez… I do not miss that.
I only arrived in Australia at the tail end of the millennium drought, would you say the communal behaviour was similar to Covid?
This is a great question! I reckon a little? But I would put it down to a couple of things - one is that I feel Covid’s sudden onset and danger was far better received from a “people need to sort their shit out” perspective. But also I feel like socially-speaking people are more altruistic compared with back then.
That’s interesting you said that last line, given how many lament that society is even more prone to groupthink and less charitable compared to even 2 decades ago. It’ll be interesting to see how society reacts over the next few summers
Washing a car with a hose
Doing anything with a hose…
Also jail.
The great garden bong drought of the 00s.
I have not so fond memories of sharing bath water with 6 cousins when I’d stay at my Aunts house, or my Nan giving us kids a bar of soap and sending us down to the creek that flowed through the farm because the farm was on tank water and it was only used for cooking, cleaning (not five million grandkids), and drinking.
It’s been a month since my boss put me under “observation” to determine whether I’d get the (from $30 to $33 an hour) raise I requested. They tried to claim they don’t take inflation into account, and dismissed every piece of evidence, making claims that because a coworker of mine uses their phone on the job I might be, and that’s reason why I shouldn’t get a raise.
Also, they claimed that they should be lowering my pay.
How on Earth do I handle this? I’m a Uni student and don’t have time to go on a job search, not to mention for equivalent pay. I just want to be able to earn enough to pay rent and food comfortably, not struggle every damn week to make ends meet
You are getting played. Best way to get a raise is to make a move sideways to another employer.
I agree, but I can’t afford to until I graduate (still a few months out). When that happens though, I will be reporting my current for sham contracting (which has fucked me over so fucking badly)
How many months? Is it something you can tough out until you’re able to tell them to f off? I also have a feeling your only way out of this is to leave for better pay, very hard to convince employers until they feel directly threatened
Graduating at the end of November, Gods willing. I really, really hope my budget lasts that long, but I’m penny pinching in a big way and have been a while now (income is only about $800 a fortnight, post rent I’m left with less than half of that).
You and the other commenters are probably right honestly, it’s shitful as I love the job itself, but deeply hate my boss. I honestly cannot wait until I can just get the hell out of here, although it’s going to get ugly before it gets better (I’m a tutor and a lot of my income comes from VCE students, most of whom have their last class towards the end of October)
What do you tutor?
English, Prep to 12! Honestly best job I’ve ever worked, besides my boss
Any chance of getting some private clients in or apply to maybe another tutoring centre just for a bit of extra cash for a couple extra months?
I’ve been debating that myself tbh. As things stand I keep worrying taking on a student for such a brief time wouldn’t be ethical, given the ongoing nature of both academic improvement and the subject
They are trying to avoid the pay rise. Your options are to stay for the time being and try to budget, or bite the bullet and look elsewhere for better pay. It’s a shit choice when you don’t have the time and energy to go job hunting but realistically it seems unlikely your employer will meet your pay request. (Good luck anyway though, hopefully am wrong)
Yeah, you’re almost certainly right. In any case, given graduation is just a few months out, I can’t decide whether to hunt for something in my degree area. Problem I face is prospective employers will be able to tell I’m graduating soon, and I’m rather afraid they’d pass me over in favour of a cheaper and longer-lasting international student.
I’m sorry to say it, but you need to find a new job. They are doing everything they can do avoid paying you, what amounts to very little to them.
I am VERY CRANKY at work this morning. Rough night sleep, lots of weird dreams, and just pushing myself a little hard for a few days. I need chocolate, a hug and to be left the fuck alone.
pushes tray in on the end of a very long stick
Tray contains teapot, milk, sugar, mug and a 3kg box of Arnott’s Cream Assortments
An excellent array, thank you!
Passed a mini-truck with advertising boards on it today. Had an image of a line graph going upwards with big title saying something like ‘why are there excess deaths’ and a big QR code. No identifying info on who the advertiser is. Was driving so couldn’t take a photo. Is this still anti-vaxer propaganda or something else?
Probably. Scanning random QV codes is equivalent to clicking links so I’d be careful anyway.
On the subject there’s apparently covid spikes still and there might be more variants? Something about more vaccines coming?
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It’s fine, it won’t make you cry or anything.
Hah! Not got me before like that.
Why… you… !!!
My psychologist is cutting her hours down dramatically as she’s moving more into a teaching space. She said she’s keeping only a handful of clients on board and hoped I would be one of those clients.
And here’s me all like… yay?
That’s definitely a nice feeling! Often feels hard to get feedback from psychologists on whether we are a good fit for them and it’s nice to get that occasionally.
Yeah, I’ve had four psychologists in the last seven years, and she’s the one I’ve been with the longest. So it was nice to get some validation in a sense that the work we’re doing has been positive. I just found it funny (as she did in saying it) that she’s like “I want to keep you on” given her profession haha.
I’m just going to leave a barrel of ivermectin and some needles here. Help yourself.
Instructions unclear: have injected ivermectin into my perineum
the worm eggs can be anywhere. Safe to say there aren’t worm eggs near your own now
Lol wtf 🤣
Just saw this now and I’m laughing so hard Zooki is giving me a WTF have you snapped human look 😂
I… Have a strange compulsion to downvote you… I’m starting to see things a little differently after breakfast this morning…
follow your heart, which by now is a larvae nursery
Yesterday was not a great day. Determined to make today better.
Today will kick arse and chew gum, and it’s all outta gum.
ugh today what happened to your weather
I was planning to do laundry today too, but the rain put a stop to that.
Lucky. I set mine last night to finish at 9am this morning. Whoopsie.
I am slightly confused. Semi-empty tram. Pplz choosing to not only to stand right next to me, but I don’t think I’ve ever been more surprised to have someone facing me. Like in my personal space, facing me…
What strange hell is this?
This employment training shit sounds like a really boring podcast, I’m falling asleep. 🥔💤
the best cure for boring training shit is colloidal silver and a tin foil hat placed on your smart meter.