Devs just released update 36. I’ve posted the highlights below which aren’t even half the patch notes, its huge. The update is 276MB.

View Patch Notes


  • Added new ‘Region’ option to Conquest creation screen that will choose map pool selection. Ex. Osftront Maps only, Osftront + Finnish Maps etc. Feature is moddable.

  • Added new prop ‘engine’ to vehicles with engines so only they have the engine button on the right control panel

  • Moved Engine button in right control panel to same location as cannon switch stance button

  • Moved Ammo Switching Lock button in right control panel to where engine button use to be

  • Added experimental pathing settings for vehicles and cannons to not get stuck on cliff edges and trenches as often

  • Added “Kick” button for MP and CooP hosts to use during loading screen

  • Added new pathing settings for vehicles and cannons to not get stuck on cliff edges and trenches as often and work on bridges and tight spaces better

  • Fixed several memory leak related crashes

  • Fixed several Conquest related crashes

  • Fixed several online sync issues

  • Fixed several cases of humans not shooting at other humans due to skeleton limits and alignment

  • Fixed humans being able to walk through windows/walls of buildings when ordered to garrison/crew a window

  • Fixed human continuing previous move order, when new move order was to garrison/crew a window. New order should override old order now, as it should

  • Fixed canceling a squad formation move order so that whole squad stops instead of just squad leader

  • Fixed crash on MP server on airstrike, if airstrike can’t happen (cooldown)

  • Fixed sync issue with cannon when link/unlink using quick command

  • Fixed inventory sometimes weapon stayed locked (“flashing”) after failed boarding attempt

  • Rebalanced spawns and capture point positions for Domination and Battlezone maps