One idea I have is completely overhauling how we approach crime like giving criminals a reason to take the way out of crime.

  • Bury The Right
    1 year ago

    Regular crime is overwhelmingly the result of poor economic conditions. Govern well, uplift people’s living conditions and crime naturally fades.

    • Comrade MLGJoeOP
      -21 year ago

      Govern well, uplift people’s living conditions and crime naturally fades.

      I think you need to be a bit more specific abt the “govern well” bit.

      • Bury The Right
        141 year ago

        Sorry I don’t have really have any super unique or sophisticated input to give on the topic at the moment lol. I simply wanted to state that I think crime is massively driven by economic factors and that the best to way combat it is to simply make genuine, effective efforts to improve people’s livelihoods.

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        People prefer the easier path, if it’s easier to be successful legally then people won’t turn to crime to maintain their goals. A government only need to focus on helping those worst off to reduce crime.

        • Comrade MLGJoeOP
          41 year ago

          That’s a win for us gun rights community imo since why ban guns when you can simply fight the problem by its roots?

  • @[email protected]
    241 year ago

    Crime is directly related to not necessarily poverty, but income inequality. So in a given area where class contradictions are intensified, there will be more crime.

    Also note that correlation is not causation. One theory regarding causation is that this is the fallout of COINTELPRO, when the CIA and local police had disrupted revolutionary movements to prevent unification against capitalism, through provoking infighting and promoting drug abuse.

    In other words, crime is artificially increased to create a lower class, and contradictions within the proletariat are exacerbated to prevent unity.

    • @RedditWanderer
      121 year ago

      The other day, my buddy (who barely make more than minimum wage at a graveyard) was ranting on about how the people on welfare across the street are just on fucking welfare, taking from society and not giving nothing back.

      Here we had a guy below the poverty line, angry at the other dude below the poverty line, telling me these damn libs caused it. Absolutely insane how he can be all angry about the few million we put into welfare in here in canada, when billions are wasted on keeping him poor.

      If money was seconds, 1000$ would be a little over 15 minutes. 1 million dollars would be about 11 days. 1 billion dollars would be almost 32 YEARS! People are easily tricked and don’t understand the values at play, drive me insane. They should be angry at the rich and income inequality.

      • @[email protected]
        101 year ago

        They’re willing to spend millions and billions to do this because it’s not their money, it’s yours.

        It’s taxpayer money used to create the reserve labour force, while capitalists benefit from it.

  • 小莱卡
    151 year ago

    You’re on the right train of thought, crime goes down with better opportunities. That’s why marginalized minorities tend to have higher crime rates, not because their “race being inherently violent” like conservatives like to parrot, it’s simply because of their lack of economic opportunities.

  • @TrismegistusMx
    21 year ago

    Sure there is, we reduce the factors that cause desperation by investing in infrastructure, increasing wages, improving access to healthcare, getting people into stable home environments, increasing community…

    …are you starting to see why we don’t do anything to stop gun violence? The violence justifies the presence of police, which diverts budgets away from the programs that would reduce the need for police.

  • @Garbanzo
    19 months ago

    “Gun control” is whack. The only thing it accomplishes is restricting the freedom of people inclined to follow the law. If you don’t give a shit about the law you can get a gun, even in the most restrictive places on the planet. Just ask Shinzo Abe about it.

    The answer, as many have pointed out, is improved material conditions leading to less incentive to commit crime of any type. Short of that, we might see some success by enhancing sentences for crimes committed with firearms. And I mean real crimes, with victims, not fake crimes like felon in possession or having a machine gun without a tax stamp.

  • @[email protected]
    -21 year ago

    Another factor to be considered is the proper knowledge of the gun owner about gun handling, like Switzerland has, if I’m not mistaken nearly 100% of the population owning guns on the account of their obligatory military service for 2 years for men and 1 year for women and at the end of it they take and rifle with them, so the proper training with the gun is likely a factor. That being said in the US I don’t see any short term solution other than stricter gun control,for there is a weird gun culture there that makes people fetishise their guns so much that they wanna create an opportunity to use them