1. Consider subsuming Nourish to Kullervo. The added Viral AoE indirectly buffs the damage of all of his abilities by amplifying the Slash proc damage. It also adds Viral buff to your weapons, so it directly buffs the damage of Wrathful Advance. Lastly, the increased energy regeneration will make sure you can always cast Recompense, taking away any survivability issues.

  2. Wrathful Advance works extremely well with daggers modded for high range because their heavy attack does a wide slash around you with guaranteed status effect followed by a stab that hits the intended target as well. It’s great with meta weapons like Nikanas and Tonfas too, of course.

  3. Don’t be afraid of Recompense self damage. In worst case scenario, you’ll receive damage worth of a single dagger, this means that as long as there is at least a single enemy, you won’t be harmed and you will be healed and potentionally get Overguard too (depends on Ability Strength). Also, Overguard prevents knockdown, meaning you don’t need Primed Sure Footed or Handspring, and you can stack up to 5000 Overguard.

  4. Collective Curse damage ignores the recipients defences. This means you can use the high damage you do to weaker enemies to significantly hurt stronger enemies. E.g.: Shoot a Butcher to take down a Bombard.

  5. Collective Curse supports chaining, so damage through abilities like Discharge and weapons like Nukor or Cycron is extremely amplified by multiple chaining instances happening at the same time. The screen will be filled with crazy amount of number and everything will be dead.

  6. Storm of Ukko provides very potent area denial thanks to stacking Slash status in numbers strong enough to kill most Steel Path enemies, but you can also use Collective Curse to spread out it’s full damage from the affected enemies to those outside of the dagger rain.

  7. Use Transference when fighting Kullervo. It charges quickly during the fight and no matter how tough Kullervo may seem, even on Steel Path, our Warframes and weapons wipe the floor with him so quickly you could get all three stages of the fight done in a single Transference.

  • Kaldo
    2 years ago

    Me, with 15 kullervo banes in total and missing 50% of other resources needed to craft him anyway: yes I know some of these words 😁

    Will definitely check this in a week or so once I have him, I’ve heard good things about him so far. How is his survival on higher level content, is the 2nd ability enough to keep him alive on its own?

    7th tip is a really good one, I see people constantly forget they have this at their disposal. When they transference he usually dies in seconds, even on SP.

    • SentielOP
      -12 years ago

      His survival is super easy as long as you have energy. Overguard doesn’t have shield gating nor is it affected by Adaptation but it caps at 5000 which makes it a viable survival tool even at around lvl 200 Steel Path.

  • @The_Vampire
    22 years ago

    Nourish always seems to be the ability I consider but then don’t subsume on every frame (I say this as a veteran, Nourish is amazing for newer players with less resources).

    Like, what hurts it the most is the fact it doesn’t double dip for damaging statuses unlike Roar and does nothing for the damage of most abilities, since you can slap viral on any weapon. Energy is solved by arcane energize (and no other arcane comes close in value) so in the end I always just skip over Nourish.

    • @Hotdogman
      12 years ago

      I run nourish and zenurik on spam heavy, high strength builds like Ember’s 4. Energize cannot keep up like that combo can.

      I haven’t done any subsumes yet but I see nourish as being suited well for him. AOE viral spread for his slash monster 4 and it goes through walls. Yes AOE weapons do to a point but not as well.

    • SentielOP
      02 years ago

      You’re right Roar is superior as a damage buff and you can mod for Viral, however, Nourish provides build diversity.

      You can focus on raw damage or go Corrosive and still have Viral as well. This also gives you an extra status effect for all the Condition Overload mods.

      It also allows you to replace Arcane Energize with something else. We have a lot of good Arcanes now that can take it’s place. I often find myself using Molt Augmented, Molt Efficiency, Arcane Avenger, Arcane Guardian, and Arcane Reaper instead and never have any energy issues.

      • @The_Vampire
        12 years ago

        Well, sure, but you have two arcanes and the most valuable arcane by far is arcane energize on any frame except Lavos/Hildryn, followed generally by Molt Augmented.

        Molt Efficiency has the issue of needing your shields to (almost) never break, which won’t work on every frame except Zephyr/Revenant. Arcane Guardian and Arcane Reaper are both just survivability but aren’t really that good since they’re armor survivability (which both has diminishing returns and is bypass-able due to slash) and one requires melee kills you may or may not be inclined to get while the other has to proc first to do anything. Arcane Avenger is also situational as the weapons you’re carrying may not be that relevant to it. Don’t get me wrong, they’re good arcanes, but energize is just the literal best and I’d more often replace molt augmented rather than energize in situations that called for replacing an arcane.

        • @Hotdogman
          12 years ago

          Molt efficiency has the issue of needing shields.

    • @Hotdogman
      22 years ago

      I currently run this. Adaptation isn’t working for over guard so that will change. Hopefully they will adjust it and give over guard a shield gate mechanic.

      • Convict45
        12 years ago

        Why an augur mod when he has no shields? Just because it’s range?

    • SentielOP
      02 years ago

      Happy it helps.

      Here’s my build. It’s still being leveled up with the last Forma. I think I’ll keep the Eximus slot empty for now.

  • @Hotdogman
    22 years ago

    I gave him Hate. His 4 quickly charges combo count for incarnon form and his 4 kills SP easily with only 150 strength. Range is his best stat. The other weapon type I see him being great with is 2hand nikana due to the forced slash on heavy.

    I only carry melee on him so the melee only bonus for Hate evo 1 works very well.