I thought Astarion was hitting on me… Turns out he wanted to suck me off, just not in the way I was hoping.
My pansexual ass actually only had the scenes with Lae’zel and Wyll. Those were the only two that just happened on their own. The rest I’ve had to work at, and nobody likes me! 😭
Not all the companions are willing to accept a poly relationship, and if you lock in on one who isn’t (like Wyll) everyone else backs off.
(Imagine my surprise when things got serious with Astarion in act 2 and Gale, who I’d never flirted with - I never even got that one scene that starts with the Mystra image - suddenly demanded I choose between them. Awkward.)
And Astarion is just hard to please in general if your character doesn’t find chaos and a little death on the side fun.
I am currently wondering which companion(s) I can take into a particular optional encounter toward the beginning of act 3. Even the ones I’ve romanced don’t have an option to ask. Unlikely to make any other friends on this dude given I am the Dark Urge and playing full evil. But… The Dark Urge should be able to satisfy this dark urge too.
HA. Is it sad that I know exactly the one you mean from such a vague description… (no, no it’s not)
Since you mention you’re on an evil playthrough, it’s worth noting Minthara is horrendously broken right now. If you have her on another save (since you mention Wyll idk if we’re talking multiple saves or what)… All those times you’ve spoken to her at camp and she jumps straight to the menu with the usual options without the camera even zooming in on her, those were supposed to be special situational dialogue including comments on current events and possible romance triggers. So you literally had no chance with her. Hoping patch 2 fixes her, she’s fun.
I was able to bring Astarion and, optionally, Halsin to that particular encounter. I’m not sure if Astarion relies on a particular choice made in his personal quest - he declines until that’s done, but I don’t know if both outcomes have the same result for the special encounter. Haven’t tried a save with any other options yet.
My evil run is still at the beginning, so I technically have wyll in my camp and haven’t been to the goblin camp yet, but the romance thing with him was from another save. I’ve ran the story twice already, but there’s so many more things I can do differently I’m on a 3rd. There will likely be a 4th lol
It’s good that the brokenness of Minthara is being talked about now… Just in time for my first run specifically to use her and possibly some other companions I murdered because they was bad.
Once you get the second romantic scene where you cana sk companions for a kiss, you are blocked for any other origin companion, although some don’t mind sharing you with non origin ones like halsin.
I was monogamous with Shadowheart and it hurt having to tell literally everyone to put it back in their pants
Ugh, same! Personally I am cackling at all the queer relationships but good GAWD my companions be a horny bunch. At least Shadowheart likes to cuddle.
Lae’zel: Did you just let a kid get murdered. That’s hot, let’s bone right now.
Had me falling out of my chair cackling
Hopefully memes about bg3 are allowed
Are you at the Bard’s college?
No, I’m at the mages guild in Winterhold.
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Well, I was thinking of getting the game but if it’s horny I might pass, as I’m as a Sex indifferent Ace, and find pushing thay sort of content sours the taste (and not in the fun Toxic Waste Hazardously Sour Candy sorta way either)
Edit: spelling and a word
The romance parts feel kinda shoehorned, people will want to hump you pretty much out of the blue. That’s why it feels “horny”. But that’s just a small part of the game, more of a pet peeve. If the horny scenes bother you, those 4-5 times just skip the cutscene.
you’ll be missing out on a lot of what people are talking about, but you can absolutely play through the main scenario without having any of the conversations with companions. you get the option to hire retainers instead pretty early.
the more recommended option is to engage with the companions and their stories, but be aware that some choices will lead to a romance option. some companions will just be friendly, others are a bit more in your face with the romance option.
I’m not into romancing games either, but there is so much else to dig into with this game. and the horniness at release was a “bug” presumably getting addressed so it’s even less in your face. basically - go ahead and give the game a try, if it’s otherwise your kinda thing.
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When is the Ultrakill-style mod releasing?
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