Can someone tell me what to do with ships bought the hyperdrive bundle and it feels like mine are made out of tissue paper and shooting cotton balls and the opponents are made out of adamantium and shooting a fricking railgun

  • @MyriadblueM
    62 years ago

    Ships gain power from both stars and the strength of their pilots. The pilots stars, level, abilities, and mods can impact ship stats.

    Ships also benefit from improving their own abilities.

  • @Pferdekuss
    2 years ago

    This! You ideally want your pilots all on 7 stars, reliced and with 6 dots mods. At least throw any shitty 5 dot mods on them if you are still struggling with mods. The stats don’t matter for the ship.

    That said there are also a few ships that hit especially hard (like anakin, kylo or the falcon f.e.) and a few that can take a good beating (bossk, hyena and the empire bomber) while most ships really don’t stand a chance while hit on.

    Look up the meta fleets on swgoh4life, grandarenascience or and start building towards them. They are meta for a reason. If you can’t afford going for grievous‘ or kenobis ships I think the empire fleet is a good one to start with.