I can’t wait for fan-made infection maps

This isn’t a dig at the current at 343’s maps at all. Please do not take it that way.

I absolutely love Infection and, with the current Forge toolset, people are going to make the most amazing Infection-specific maps.

I definitely feel we could get some maps made that feel like they have a narrative. Like an escape the facility kind of thing.

Use the loot rooms as a way to have a reprieve and a stock up on ammo before the next sprint. Or even having to defend a door while your AI hacks it open as the Infected attack.

I don’t know how water works in the new Forge thing, but imagine the Infected under the water as you run along a walkway.

Also, finally some use for the Razorback. I have some vague ideas in terms of a use it could have in Infection.

No idea if it would work though. Imagine all the survivors at one end with Razorbacks. Enough that everyone gotta fully load up and leave no one behind. And they got to get from Point A to Point B.

Now, maybe it’s because Point B has weapons and a final defense point.

Or maybe all the survivors have to carry power cells attached to the back of the Razorback to the load point (like in BtB). And if you don’t have enough, survivors can’t win. Therefore it encourages teamwork.

Or maybe the survivors just have to get a flag to the score point.

I am so excited to see what forgers make.