How did you like the new episodes? And the season overall? Discuss to your hearts content!

I personally loved the season, I thought WWDITS was beginning the slow crawl of death after season 4, but damn did they prove me wrong with season 5!

  • Evie
    2 years ago

    Just watched the last two episodes last night!

    I loved them! That being said, I Am pretty sure that the reason why Gizmo couldn’t turn the whole way WAS because of his DNA and the fact he hasn’t tried human blood. Me and my husband had that theory the whole time. I love that Nandor just knew. I find it hilariously Guillermo, that he can’t hurt people!

    I am on the fence about changing him back to human… I’m not even sure Gizmo knows what he wants at this point, but I love the beard on him. Hope they keep that.

    Nandor and Patton Oswalt was a good bit, that was a great guest star, also loved the ending with the other celebrity cameos too.

    I love the guilde. She is one of my favorite actors. I love that the whole season, she has beet trying so hard to be their friend and it just doesn’t go anywhere. Her character is funny and I hope to see it grow more.

    I am excited for next season. I loves this one. No complaints.

  • teft
    22 years ago

    Loved it. And what a great way to tie up Gizmo’s predicament. I knew Nandor couldn’t stay mad at him, he’s a big cuddly Ottoman.

  • @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    The last two episodes weren’t as fun as the rest of the season, but it was a nice way to end things.

  • @sosodev
    21 year ago

    I was pretty disappointed by the ending. They had spent the whole season hyping up the conflict with Nandor and then it just fizzled out into nothing. Same thing with Guillermo’s whole vampire transformation.

    I’m really hoping they don’t do the obvious thing and have Nandor turn him into a vampire again next season.

    • Rikudou_SageOPM
      11 year ago

      Him being a vampire breaks the whole dynamic, that’s why I expected they somehow make him human and that’s why I think he won’t be made into a vampire.

      • @sosodev
        11 year ago

        That’s a fair point. I think I wanted more conflict with Nandor primarily. A long, detailed fight scene like we saw in Season 4 would have been awesome.