I can’t prerelease and I want to live vicariously through all of you!

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    My takeaways were: Gruff triplets is backbreaking to deal with, the catapults are great fun, and bonus sheets are always an interesting twist

  • Lumun
    41 year ago

    Pulled a promo Skitter as well as Skitter’s Blessing and some real good rat synergies. One of my enchanted tales was a showcase foil Necropotence. Pretty stoked on my pulls!

    As for the format, sealed has seemed really slow with all the food around. Pretty much everyone is playing black or green so everyone’s life total is practically 30. Red seems really strong though in my BR build.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I built rats, guy across from me built rate, all three matches were against rats, it was a great time.

  • @attemptX
    41 year ago

    I went 3-0 with UB faeries. Lots of removal and evasive creatures, with a few big beaters at the top end of the curve. The only game I lost was against a BR rats deck that got an explosive start.

    Really liked the set overall, the games felt really interactive. It was my first time playing in a limited environment with adventure cards, and the amount of card advantage they provide is impressive !

  • @fubo
    11 year ago

    Dear opponent: When you play [[Asinine Antics]] when I have [[A Tale for the Ages]] out, the asses that I get are big asses.