Noob mod here. Zero experience with the fediverse, so go easy on me.

This post:

Doesn’t show up on when I visit the community.

Why can’t I see it? Am I just missing something incredibly obvious, do I have a setting wrong, or is there something I need to do to approve the post so it’s visible within the community? Or is it visible to you and I’m just an idiot?

  • @Starry
    31 year ago

    Can’t claim to be terribly knowledgeable of Lemmy either, but could it be the setting that hides read posts hiding it from you?

    • BlackbeardOP
      21 year ago

      I have “Show Read Posts” toggled, so thinking it’s not that.

  • kersploosh
    21 year ago

    I can confirm the post is there. I see it.

    Many people have reported odd behavior, like posts showing up when viewed from one instance but not another. I assume it will get better over time. Not sure what to do about it now, though.

  • @Falmarri
    21 year ago

    It does for me. Hard to say what’s wrong for you, but it’s very likely there’s some kind of bug

    • BlackbeardOP
      11 year ago

      You can see the standalone post, or you can see it from the homepage of the community?

      • @Noktpapilio
        11 year ago

        Sorry for the delay. I could see it from the homepage of the community.